- Учебник: «Немецкий язык», Бим И.Л., Садомова Л.В., Крылова Ж.Я. и др.
- Тема: Kapitel 3. Wir bereiten uns auf eine Deutschlandreise vor
- 04.10.2020
- 1208
- 8

Grade: 9a
Lesson theme: Choosing schools
Objects: Students will be able to talk on theme “Choosing theme” and write an advertisement. To develop student’s reading and speaking , writing skills.
Methods: critical thinking, group work
Materials: posters, interactive boars, English book of T.Ayapova for 9th grade
The procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment. a) Greetings
b) Duties report
2. Checking up the homework or “Hot chair”. Their homework is ex 12 and 13 on page. One or two student will answer the question very quickly using 2nd Conditional.
What would you do if…
- you won a lottery?
- you spoke English fluently?
- your mother bought a jacket for your birthday and you didn’t like it?
- You were at your friend’s house for dinner, and you didn’t like the food?
- failed your exam?
- you saw a UFO ( Unidentified Flying Object)?
- If you were the Minister of education of your country what changes would you make in the educational system of your country?
3. Warm up.
Think back to when you were at primary school. What can you remember about your classmates, teachers and classrooms? What differences would you notice if you went into a typical primary school now?
Students work in groups than every group protects their poster.
4. Presentation.
There are state and private schools in Britain. Private schools are called public. The most famous public schools in Britain are Eton [ ‘I:tәn] and Harrow [‘haerәu]. Only children whose parents can pay high fees go to state school. Which school will you choose: State or Private?
Eton school Harrow school
5. Reading activity. Students read advertisements for independent schools.
Manor School. Independent Boarding School of boys 10-17 years. We offer
· Small classes and qualified staff, much individual attention
· Good accommodation
· Good facilities, including a well-equipped computer center , three science laboratories
· A full games program including rugby, soccer, hockey, swimming, athletics
Please write or telephone for a copy of the school prospectus
St. Luke’s School. Boarding and day school for Boys and Girls
· Continuous Education, 8-18 years
· Entry possible at any age
· Qualified staff
· Maximum class size 20 pupils
· Good family atmosphere
· Reasonable fee
· Good sports facilities.
Apply for prospectus: admissions officer.
6. After reading activity.
Students look carefully at the advertisements and make a list of the features which both schools advertise.
Example: Qualified staff. Good accommodation.
7. After reading tasks.
- If you wanted to go to a private school which school would you choose? Why?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional schools and alternative schools?
- What are features of a good school?
8. Work in small groups.
Choose one of the private schools in your place and write advertisement about it giving full information. Compare with others.
9. Evaluation. Today you learnt how to make advertisement about school and worked very hard. Your marks are…
10. Giving home tasks. Prepare a web site or display to present your school.
The lesson is over. Good bye!
Настоящий материал опубликован пользователем Тулегенова Сыйлыгул Захайкызы. Инфоурок является информационным посредником и предоставляет пользователям возможность размещать на сайте методические материалы. Всю ответственность за опубликованные материалы, содержащиеся в них сведения, а также за соблюдение авторских прав несут пользователи, загрузившие материал на сайт
Если Вы считаете, что материал нарушает авторские права либо по каким-то другим причинам должен быть удален с сайта, Вы можете оставить жалобу на материал.
Удалить материалРабочий лист по английскому языку для 10 класса можно использовать для отработки навыков употребления лексики по теме "Types of schools and school life" как на уроке, так и в качестве домашнего задания. Рабочий лист составлен к модулю "3a" УМК "Spotlight" и состоит из шести заданий с ответами.
Курс профессиональной переподготовки
Курс профессиональной переподготовки
300/600 ч.
Курс профессиональной переподготовки
300/600 ч.
Курс повышения квалификации
72 ч. — 180 ч.
Еще материалы по этой теме
Рабочие листы
к вашим урокам
Grade: 9a
Lesson theme: Choosing schools
Objects: Students will be able to talk on theme “Choosing theme” and write an advertisement. To develop student’s reading and speaking , writing skills.
Methods: critical thinking, group work
Materials: posters, interactive boars, English book of T.Ayapova for 9th grade
The procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment. a) Greetings
b) Duties report
2. Checking up the homework or “Hot chair”. Their homework is ex 12 and 13 on page. One or two student will answer the question very quickly using 2nd Conditional.
What would you do if…
you won a lottery?
you spoke English fluently?
your mother bought a jacket for your birthday and you didn’t like it?
You were at your friend’s house for dinner, and you didn’t like the food?
failed your exam?
you saw a UFO ( Unidentified Flying Object)?
If you were the Minister of education of your country what changes would you make in the educational system of your country?
Warm up.
Think back to when you were at primary school. What can you remember about your classmates, teachers and classrooms? What differences would you notice if you went into a typical primary school now?
Students work in groups than every group protects their poster.
There are state and private schools in Britain. Private schools are called public. The most famous public schools in Britain are Eton [ ‘I:tәn] and Harrow [‘haerәu]. Only children whose parents can pay high fees go to state school. Which school will you choose: State or Private?
Eton school Harrow school
Reading activity. Students read advertisements for independent schools.
Manor School. Independent Boarding School of boys 10-17 years. We offer
Small classes and qualified staff, much individual attention
Good accommodation
Good facilities, including a well-equipped computer center , three science laboratories
A full games program including rugby, soccer, hockey, swimming, athletics
Please write or telephone for a copy of the school prospectus
St. Luke’s School. Boarding and day school for Boys and Girls
Continuous Education, 8-18 years
Entry possible at any age
Qualified staff
Maximum class size 20 pupils
Good family atmosphere
Reasonable fee
Good sports facilities.
Apply for prospectus: admissions officer.
After reading activity.
Students look carefully at the advertisements and make a list of the features which both schools advertise.
Example: Qualified staff. Good accommodation.
After reading tasks.
If you wanted to go to a private school which school would you choose? Why?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional schools and alternative schools?
What are features of a good school?
Work in small groups.
Choose one of the private schools in your place and write advertisement about it giving full information. Compare with others.
Evaluation. Today you learnt how to make advertisement about school and worked very hard. Your marks are…
Giving home tasks. Prepare a web site or display to present your school.
The lesson is over. Good bye!
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