language teacher.
school NL2 1
Nizhegorodskaya oblast Russian Federation.
Some steps to better teaching.
Statement of purpose; tör the sake of
sharing, seeking the right solution, inviting the audience to discuss the issue
and may be to come out with new ideas as a result.
Problems: after 7 years of learning English at school
village pupils are illiterate grammatically, lexically and are
practically unable 10 read.
Reasons: a lack of motivation, a lack of equipment, old,
out-oiüdate textbooks, a studies curriculum that is based on particular
Main Aims; to
help village pupils set real istic goals in English learning al school - the
opportunity for them to lillfill further education in colleges and institutes.
They will need the language by all means.
Key-features: as much depends on the school studies
curriculum and textbooks I've adjusted them to the needs of nny pupils. The
first and foremost is grammar.
The right consequence of teaching grammar.
2. Teaching to think logically.
3. Special own "grammar books",
The töllowing stage is arranging the education process to
enable pupils to get practical skills in applying it.
Intensive studying of texts from my "selt:made" textbook.
Extensive reading.
The choice of texts for home reading, The list of stories my pupils choose to
Teaching 10 read
Reading articles
from American magazines.
The tendency to do
learning in writing is another aspect of my approach.
I. Writing about
papils' own experiences is a better method to train and test thought,
'l'he most popular subjects for
narratives my teenagers select.
2.Translating from Russian in written form.
3.Special lessons of technical
translation. (Our school works closely with the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical
activities. The hest of my pupils' preferences.
The lisl 01' topics for discussion in order
3. Pupils* questions to draw the attention ofteachers.
4, Role-plays stimulating di [Terent situations.
5. Chain-discussions.
The way I integrate them
into my regular lessons, the most important ideas to learn about them,
activities with the pupils. materials and documents I choose to use.
Efficiency: as a
result of my teaching Iny ex-pupils are progressive in their language studies
at their institutes. They pass cædit texts and exams successfWly. They see the
concrete results of their work. The knovt ledge of Engl ish will give them the
best possibi lity to find a good job. a wel I-paid job, to contribute to the
further development of Russia. It motivates both my present pupils and myself.
I. There is no need for
my ex-pupils to pass the basics of language learning at the institute.
The students have
more time for enriching and enlarging their knowledge and outlook in the
special field. working at international words and word-formation rules.
3. They have more time 10 work with authentic materials.
presentation: "The Nineties in the USA"
l . "Many people
think the eighties were the last decade of the 20th century and the 1990s were
the beginning of the new century.
Peter Jennings 2.
Once upon a tinie in the good old nineties there lived strange people who
didn't walk but drove their cars; who didn't write letters with a pen, but
clicked a mouse all day long. When they wanted to cut up a chicken, they turned
to the website W WW They earned mountains of gold in a
magic place called Stock market and after that they danced a ritual dance
called rap or hip-hop; and the magic machine called ATM kept their money in a
hiding place and gave it to them like this (easy come - easy go). And from
morning till night they played video and TV games and CD discs.
The name of those
people was Americans. They lived in a Wonderland called America. Do you want to
watch this fairy-tale. my sweethearts? Then turn on your CD player and listen to
a superdisc about superlifé in the supernineties.
3. Song "As Long As You Love Me" hy Backstreet
Although all of us did use to live in the nineties.
We don't know much ofthose years.
People say they were crazy
And that it was great
Flaving the world being changed,
How the curtain tell is still a
mystery. And how we could get here to the IJSA and
We care what is written in your
That's why we are here with you
todayAnd you care who we are,
Where we are from,
What we did
And we are so grateful.
OPPORTUNITIES. The iron curtain down and new educational exchange programs
appeared like mushrooms atter the rain {distribution of yellow envelopes with
the names the programs).
ladies late at night
Telling stories in moonlight
Forgetting government and parties
Chose the best man ofthe nineties.
If I had the right, I would
Choose Tom Hanks - he is so good.
Actor, singer and composer.
When he sings. I am all frozen.
"l am Forrest, Forrest Gump". And I happy. deaf and dumb.
I adore Jurassic Park
Spielberg is my lightning in the dark.
My heart's the mirror that reflects
All his mysterious etTects.
I have an idol of' my own,
I am fond of saxophone.
Who won elections more than once? Who has a key to
women's hearts? I love his kind heart. not his time. Can you, ladies, guess his
- Jon
Travolta in the ''Angel" Is my idol, is my legend.
admire his "pulp fiction".
You had better read John Grisham.
He has a wider outlook.
Have you read 'VThe Firm", his book?
Well. I highly recommend: Read it
to the very end.
Well. who ever hesitates
That the richest is Bill Gates? Model
hero of the press
And... American success!
O, Di Caprio! Titanic!
I lis Romeo caused panic
Among many blue-eyed beauties.
Pretty girls and teenaged cuties.
And so many loving teens
their tears in his films.
They adore him and sympathize
With his iron mask and velvet eyes.
Stephen King - Who is he? Letis say in chorus:
Ile is oi'course the king of horrors,
I leis terri Wing and terrific.
His talent's great. unique. specific.
Gorbachov appeals to me
What I appreciate in him
Is his new life's promotion
And to his family devotion.
And all the storms Of his reforms,
ladies late at night
Telling stories in moonlight
in opinion quite unanimous
That men ofnineties '-were so
tllmous! We are 50 many, you are so few...
(chorus) And we wi// u/wa_vs love you!
Welcome to our super fashion parade,
6. (Korobeiniki — a song)
Oh. my bag is full of goods
Come up here, choose and try Any size
and any color!
Not expensive you can buy!
and TLshins,
Shorts and sneakers
Of high quality, by the way,
Take it easy, they're made in China,
For new fishion you must pay!
Song Ptetty Woman". fashion parade.
But... 'i Who is the Person of the Century?"
What shall we take to the new millennium?
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