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Урок чтения по рассказу Э. М. Хемингуэя "Ожидание"

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  • Урок чтения по рассказу Э. М. Хемингуэя «Ожидание» к учебнику В. П. Кузовлёва...

    1 слайд

    Урок чтения по рассказу Э. М. Хемингуэя «Ожидание» к учебнику В. П. Кузовлёва . 8 класс.(Unit 5. Lesson 4) Цели – совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников, что достигается за счет создания условий для дополнительной речевой практики продуктивного и рецептивного планов; систематизации и актуализации языковых, речевых знаний, навыков и умений; а также путем привлечения новых аутентичных материалов, отвечающих возрастным особенностям и интересам старшеклассников; увеличения в связи с этим количества изучаемых тем, предметов речи, видов и типов текстов. Текст при этом служит не только источником информации и объектом чтения, но и образцом для развития и совершенствования навыков и умений устной и письменной речи, отправной точкой для самостоятельных личностно-ориентированных высказываний. Воспитательный аспект - формирование умения анализировать и давать оценку поступкам и событиям Социокультурный аспект-знакомство с творчеством известного американского писателя Э. Хемингуэя Задачи развитие навыков изучающего чтения развитие умения оценивать и интерпретировать произведения художественной литературы; развитие специальных учебных умений, обеспечивающих освоение языка и культуры: поиск и выделение в тексте новых лексических средств, соотнесение средств выражения и коммуникативного намерения автора, анализ языковых трудностей текста с целью более полного понимания смысловой информации, группировка и систематизация языковых средств по определенному признаку (формальному, коммуникативному), интерпретация лингвистических и культуроведческих фактов в тексте; анализ грамматических форм; ознакомление учащихся с особенностями структуры англоязычных художественных текстов и с основными приемами их лингвостилистического анализа; увеличение объема лексических единиц для рецептивного и продуктивного усвоения;

  • План урока 1. What kind of books do you prefer to read? 2. Do you like to rea...

    2 слайд

    План урока 1. What kind of books do you prefer to read? 2. Do you like to read English or Russian books? 3. Is it possible to live without books for you? 4. Books are our friends, aren't they? 5. How many classes of books do we distinguish? 6.Is there a library in your school? 7. Do you like to read the books by American writers? 8. How often do you go to the library? 9. What kind of books do you like to read? 10 .Why do a lot of people visit library on weekend? 1.Объявление целей и задач урока 2.Warming up 3.Let’s watch the presentation about Ernest Hemingway. Let’s watch the presentation about Ernest Hemingway.

  • Ernest Hemingway One of the most popular and beloved writers of the XX c, he...

    3 слайд

    Ernest Hemingway One of the most popular and beloved writers of the XX c, he сreated a unique "manly" art style. He was a novelist and a journalist, a creator of world famous books, the reporter in five wars as well as an athlete, a hunter, a fisherman, a lover of bullfighting. He was a “literary star" known even to people who never read his works.

  • Since early childhood, he loved only three things: hunting, fishing and read...

    4 слайд

    Since early childhood, he loved only three things: hunting, fishing and reading. “and if the need to write ruled over you, you train yourself to remember, and think about the past, most remember about hunting, fishing and books than all the rest, and remember them with joy.” (Ernest Hemingway, "The shooting in flight").

  • Евгений Евтушенко - Встреча в Копенгагене Евгений Евтушенко - Встреча в Копен...

    5 слайд

    Евгений Евтушенко - Встреча в Копенгагене Евгений Евтушенко - Встреча в Копенгагене ...И вдруг он появился — тот старик  в простой зелёной куртке с капюшоном,  с лицом, солёным ветром обожжённым.  Верней, не появился, а возник.  Он шёл, толпу туристов бороздя,  как будто только-только от штурвала,  и, как морская пена, борода  его лицо, белея, окаймляла.  С решимостью угрюмою, победною  он шёл, рождая крупную волну  сквозь старину, что под модерн подделана,  сквозь всяческий модерн под старину.  ...С дублёными руками в шрамах, ссадинах,  в ботинках, издававших тяжкий стук,  в штанах, неописуемо засаленных,  он элегантней был, чем все вокруг.  Земля под ним, казалось, прогибалась —  так он шагал увесисто по ней.  И кто-то наш сказал мне, улыбаясь:  «Смотри-ка, прямо как Хемингуэй!»  Он шёл, в коротком жесте каждом выраженный,  тяжёлою походкой рыбака,  весь из скалы гранитной грубо вырубленный,  шёл, как идут сквозь пули, сквозь века.  Он шёл, пригнувшись, будто бы в траншее  шёл, раздвигая стулья и людей.  Он так похож был на Хемингуэя...  А после я узнал, что это был Хемингуэй. 

  •  «Я сражался с фашизмом всюду, где можно было реально воевать с ним». Хеминг...

    6 слайд

     «Я сражался с фашизмом всюду, где можно было реально воевать с ним». Хемингуэй Эрнест Миллер

  • Hemingway's grandfather gave him for his birthday a shotgun 20 gauge. Since...

    7 слайд

    Hemingway's grandfather gave him for his birthday a shotgun 20 gauge. Since then, the hunting for Hemingway was one of the main interests in life. Hemingway spent in Africa for more than 10 months, hunting lions, rhinos and antelopes kudu. Many of his books have been devoted to hunting. "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and "The Green Hills of Africa" ​​and "The Lion Miss Mary" and "A glimpse of the truth" "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber".

  • Белла Ахмадулина - Хемингуэй Белла Ахмадулина - Хемингуэй Прекрасен не прекра...

    8 слайд

    Белла Ахмадулина - Хемингуэй Белла Ахмадулина - Хемингуэй Прекрасен не прекрасной синерамой  Тот алчный и надменный материк,  А тем, что бородатый, синеглазый  Вдоль побережья шествует старик.  О, эта чистота на грани детства  И равенство с прохожими людьми!  Идёт он лёгкой поступью индейца  И знает толк в охоте и в любви.  К большим ступням он примеряет ласты,  И волны подступают к бороде,  И с выраженьем мудрости и ласки  Смеётся он, ступает по воде.  О, президентов выборы и крики!  Как там шумят и верховодят всласть…  И всё же книги — как над нами книги  Неумолимо проявляют власть!  Над миром простирается защита,  Защита их отцовской доброты.  Стоит охотник и солдат. Зашита  Его одежда. Помыслы чисты.  В тревоге неумолчной, сердобольной  Туда, к вершине солнца и дождей,  Восходит этот гомон колокольный,  Оплакивая горести людей.

  • Answer the questions 1.Where was Ernest Hemingway born? 2.When was he born? 3...

    9 слайд

    Answer the questions 1.Where was Ernest Hemingway born? 2.When was he born? 3.Where did he study? 4.What is he famous for? 5.How many plays and novels did he write? 6. He was a real writer, wasn’t he? 7.What stories and novels by Ernest Hemingway have you read?

  • Scan the text for the information you want. Work quickly-don’t get stuck on...

    10 слайд

    Scan the text for the information you want. Work quickly-don’t get stuck on difficult words.Jig saw reading. Read in groups and exchange the information.

  • "A Day's Wait” He came into the room to shut the windows while we were still...

    11 слайд

    "A Day's Wait” He came into the room to shut the windows while we were still in bed and I   saw he looked ill. He was shivering, his face was white, and he walked   slowly as though it ached to move.   'What's the matter, Schatz?'   'I've got a headache.'   'You better go back to bed.'   'No, I'm all right.'   'You go to bed. I'll see you when I'm dressed.'   But when I came downstairs he was dressed, sitting by the fire, looking a   very sick and miserable boy of nine years. When I put my hand on his   forehead I knew he had a fever.   'You go up to bed,' I said, 'you're sick.'   'I'm all right,' he said.   When the doctor came he took the boy's temperature.   'What is it?' I asked him.   'One hundred and two.'   Downstairs, the doctor left three different medicines in different colored   capsules with instructions for giving them. One was to bring down the fever,   another a purgative, the third to overcome an acid condition. The germs of   influenza can only exist in an acid condition, he explained. He seemed to   know all about influenza and said there was nothing to worry about if the  

  • talk.'   'I know they do. At school in France the boys told me you can't liv...

    12 слайд

    talk.'   'I know they do. At school in France the boys told me you can't live with   forty-four degrees. I've got a hundred and two.'   He had been waiting to die all day, ever since nine o'clock in the morning.   'You poor Schatz,' I said. 'Poor old Schatz. It's like miles and kilometers.   You aren't going to die. That's a different thermometer. On that   thermometer thirty-seven is normal. On this kind it's ninety-eight.'   'Are you sure?'   'Absolutely,' I said. 'It's like miles and kilometers. You know, like how many   kilometers we make when we do seventy in the car?'   'Oh,' he said.   But his gaze at the foot of his bed relaxed slowly. The hold over himself   relaxed too, finally, and the next day it was very slack and he cried very   easily at little things that were of no importance. Source: Discovering Fiction Book2

  • fever did not go above one hundred and four degrees. This was a light   epid...

    13 слайд

    fever did not go above one hundred and four degrees. This was a light   epidemic of flu and there was no danger if you avoided pneumonia.   Back in the room I wrote the boy's temperature down and made a note of   the time to give the various capsules.   'Do you want me to read to you?'   'All right. If you want to,' said the boy. His face was very white and there   were dark areas under his eyes. He lay still in bed and seemed very   detached from what was going on.   I read aloud from Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates; but I could see he was not   following what I was reading.   'How do you feel, Schatz?' I asked him.   'Just the same, so far,' he said.   I sat at the foot of the bed and read to myself while I waited for it to be time   to give another capsule. It would have been natural for him to go to sleep,   but when I looked up he was looking at the foot of the bed, looking very   strangely.   'Why don't you try to go to sleep? I'll wake you up for the medicine.'  

  • 'I'd rather stay awake.'   After a while he said to me, 'You don't have to s...

    14 слайд

    'I'd rather stay awake.'   After a while he said to me, 'You don't have to stay here with me, Papa, if it   bothers you.'   'It doesn't bother me.'   'No, I mean you don't have to stay if it's going to bother you.'   I thought perhaps he was a little light-headed and after giving him the   prescribed capsule at eleven o'clock I went out for a while.   It was a bright, cold day, the ground covered with a sleet that had frozen so   that it seemed as if all the bare trees, the bushes, the cut brush and all the   grass and the bare ground had been varnished with ice. I took the young   Irish setter for a little walk up the road and along a frozen creek, but it was   difficult to stand or walk on the glassy surface and the red dog slipped and   slithered and fell twice, hard, once dropping my gun and having it slide over   the ice.   We flushed a covey of quail under a high clay bank with overhanging brush   and killed two as they went out of sight over the top of the bank. Some of Act out a scene of the story Let’s discuss the story Let’s discuss the story

  • Answer the questions 1. What symptoms did the boy have? 2.How did the boy fee...

    15 слайд

    Answer the questions 1. What symptoms did the boy have? 2.How did the boy feel? 3. What was the boy’s temperature in Celsius? Use the scale below Fahrenheit= 9/5 C+32 Celsius=5/99( F-32) 4.Did the father explain the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius? 5.Did the father read to Schatz from a book about pirates? 6.Did the father take the family’s Irish setter out 7.Was there an invisible wall between father and his son? 8.They talk about two different things, the father about the disease and the son about his death, didn’t they? 9.Was the boy acting strangely the whole day? 10.Was the boy concerned for others? 11What was the meaning of the story title?

  • Let’s discuss the story The fateful misunderstanding The hunting scene The po...

    16 слайд

    Let’s discuss the story The fateful misunderstanding The hunting scene The point of view The Theme Summary Analysis of "A Day's Wait"

  • The fateful misunderstanding Obviously there is an invisible wall between fat...

    17 слайд

    The fateful misunderstanding Obviously there is an invisible wall between father and his son. They talk about two different things, the father about the disease and the son about his death but they do not know that they misunderstand each other.   This fateful misunderstanding appears in different scenes where the father and son talk about "it", meaning two different things. One example is when the father asks his son why he does not go to sleep.  "You don´t have to stay in here with me, Papa, if it bothers you." The son is talking about his death but does not mention his fear. He must be shocked when the father answers "It doesn't bother me".  Because the father does not know of the fear of his son there is no reason for him to explain that he won´t die. Instead he goes out to hunt. The boy must think that his father does not even care that he will die, but prefers going out to hunt. This fateful misunderstanding happens another time, again Hemingway uses the word "it" to describe two different things. Father: "It´s nothing to worry about." He means the fever. "Just take it easy."  Since the son always thinks of death he assumes his father tells him to take dying easy so he answers: "I am taking it easy"

  • The hunting scene The point of view In the story "A Day´s Wait" there is a st...

    18 слайд

    The hunting scene The point of view In the story "A Day´s Wait" there is a story in a story. In this part of the story the father goes out to hunt for a while his son is in bed thinking about death. In the passage there is a description of nature which is covered with a "glassy surface": you can see it, but you cannot touch it. This is the same as in the story, the father sees that his son feels bad, but he does not know why. In the hunting scene the circle of life appears. The quails are shot by the father as long as he is able to catch them. They have to die, but some are able to escape. Between the father and nature there is an invisible wall (glassy surface) and between the father and his son there is an invisible wall, too.  The point of view One interesting point in the story "A Day´s Wait" is the point of view which is very limited. Hemingway use the first-person narrator in this story because this way the father cannot read the boy´s mind and the reader is forced to see everything through the father´s eyes The hunting scene

  • The Theme At the end of the story when the boy knows that he will not die he...

    19 слайд

    The Theme At the end of the story when the boy knows that he will not die he becomes his old self again: he starts to complain about little things that are of no importance just like before he thought he would die. This shows how death lets things appear in a different way, everything that seemed to be important before is not important anymore. Looking at Hemingway´s biography we can find parallels between the story "A Day´s Wait" and the author´s real life. When Hemingway took part in Word War I he was wounded twice. When he was in hospital he heard the doctor talk about his health and since he did not know any better he thought he would have to die. His own fear, the behavior and the feelings in this situation Hemingway expresses through the character of the son. The boy only knows that you will die with a fever of 44 degrees but does not know that he lives in a country with different thermometers.  This also is the theme of the story: the innocence of a child. The boy would never talk about his feelings and fear, probably because he does not want other people to worry about him. He might not want to hurt them. The question arises why the boy does not want to sleep. The father does not worry about it, because he knows there is nothing to worry about, but the son maybe does not want to miss how it feels to die since he really believes he has to die. He does not know if it hurts and since death means endless sleeping he might be afraid that he will never wake up again. I

  • Summary The story opens as a father discovers that his 9-year-old boy,Schatz,...

    20 слайд

    Summary The story opens as a father discovers that his 9-year-old boy,Schatz, has a fever. The father sends for the doctor and he diagnoses a mild case of influenza. As long as the fever doesn’t go above 104 degrees, the doctor says, the boy will be fine, and he leaves three different types of medication for the father to administer with instructions for each. Schatz’s temperature is determined to be 102 degrees. When the doctor leaves, the father reads to Schatz from a book about pirates, but the boy is not paying attention and is staring fixedly at the foot of the bed. His father suggests he try to get some sleep, but Schatz says he would rather be awake. He also says that his father needn’t stay in the room with him if he is bothered. His father says he isn’t bothered, and after giving him his 11 o’clock dose of medication, the father goes outside. It is a wintry day with sleet frozen onto the countryside, and the father takes the family’s Irish setter out hunting along a frozen creek bed. Both man and dog fall more than once on the ice before they find a covey of quail and kill two. The father, pleased with his exploits, returns to the house. Upon returning home, he finds that Schatz has refused to let anyone into his room because he doesn’t want anyone else to catch the flu. The father enters anyway and finds the boy still staring at the foot of the bed. He takes Schatz’s temperature and finds it 102, as before. He tells Schatz his temperature is fine, and not to worry. Schatz says he’s not worrying, but he is thinking. When the father gives Schatz his medication, Schatz asks if he thinks the medication will help, and the father answers affirmatively. After attempting to interest Schatz in the pirate book and failing, the father pauses, whereupon Schatz asks him when the father thinks Schatz will die. It emerges that Schatz has heard at school in France that no one can live with a temperature above 44, so Schatz thinks he is sure to die with a temperature of 102. He has been waiting to die all day. After the father explains the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius, Schatz relaxes, letting go of his iron self-control and the next day he allows himself to get upset over little things.

  • Analysis of "A Day's Wait" “A Day’s Wait” deals with the familiar Hemingway t...

    21 слайд

    Analysis of "A Day's Wait" “A Day’s Wait” deals with the familiar Hemingway theme of heroic fatalism or fatalistic heroism, namely courage in the face of certain death. It is a testament to Hemingway’s skill and his dedication to this theme that he can make fatalistic heroes out of 9-year-old boys as easily as out of middle-aged has-been prizefighters on the run from gangsters and 76-year-old Spanish war refugees. The tragedy in this story is not, of course, that the hero Schatz is doomed, but that he believes himself to be doomed when he is in fact fine. Schatz’s heroism is quietly but strikingly demonstrated in his words and actions over his day’s wait. The most dramatic manifestation of Schatz’s heroism is the difference between his demeanor during the day described by the story and his demeanor the next day. The narrator says “He was evidently holding tight onto himself about something” before the father goes out hunting, and when Schatz realizes he will be fine, “The hold over himself relaxed too, finally, and the next day it was very slack and he cried very easily at little things that were of no importance.” The little boy is stoic in the face of what he believes will be certain death; he holds his emotions in with iron self-control all day, and even suggests that his father leave the room if he is distressed to see his son dying. He also forbids anyone to come into his room out of concern for their health, even though by doing so he condemns himself to die alone. Aside from Schatz’s own behavior, the other element of the story that makes Schatz’s heroism striking is the behavior of his father, which unintentionally worsens Schatz’s mental turmoil. Shortly after Schatz suggests that his father need not stay with him if the spectacle of his son’s death will bother him, the father leaves the house for hours to enjoy himself in the winter sunshine with the family dog, a gun, and a covey of quail. The juxtaposition of the father’s enjoyment with Schatz’s self-controlled, tragic, and solitary stoicism sharpens the reader’s sense of Schatz’s heroism.

  • Let’s sum up "A Day's Wait" is a short story by Ernest Hemingway published in...

    22 слайд

    Let’s sum up "A Day's Wait" is a short story by Ernest Hemingway published in his 1933 short story collection Winner Take Nothingabout a nine-year-old boy who is sick during a cold winter. The story focuses on the boy and his father who calls him Schatz (German, meaning darling). When the boy gets the flu, a doctor is called in and recommends three different medicines and tells the boy's father that his temperature is 102 degrees Fahrenheit. He is very quiet and depressed, finally asking when he will die; he had thought that a 102 degree temperature was lethal because he heard in France (where Celsius is used) that one cannot live with a temperature over 44 degrees. When the father explains to him the difference in scales, the boy slowly relaxes, and the next day, "he cried very easily at little things that were of no importance." The story mainly signifies the boy's misunderstanding leading to many changes in his own mind. I personally like the story because it shows how a bad or difficult situation can chance to influence a person´s life. It becomes clear that especially children need the help of adults to understand what death and illness means. We learn that we have to help children to grow up and that we have to help them to understand the world around them, because as we can see in this story without the help they worry too much about things that they do not have to worry about.

  • Sources source:gs.cidsnet.de/englisch-online/Leistungskurs2/hemingway2.htm   ...

    23 слайд

    Sources source:gs.cidsnet.de/englisch-online/Leistungskurs2/hemingway2.htm   http://www.motarjemonline.com/forum/showthread.php?871-A-Day-s-Wait-by-Ernest-Hemigway-and-A-brief-analysis&langid=1#ixzz41vk75qfw @ 2015Хемингуэй Эрнест Миллер

  • 24 слайд

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  • Этот курс уже прошли 68 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в профессиональном образовании: английский, немецкий, французский

Преподаватель иностранного языка

500/1000 ч.

от 8900 руб. от 4150 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 108 человек из 41 региона
  • Этот курс уже прошли 229 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Испанский язык: теория и методика преподавания в профессиональном образовании

Преподаватель испанского языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе


Стратегии и инструменты для эффективного привлечения и удержания клиентов

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе


Этапы развития речи: от первых звуков до полноценной коммуникации

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 160 человек из 50 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 145 человек


Основы финансовой отчетности

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе