Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок на тему: "Did you have a good weekend"

Урок на тему: "Did you have a good weekend"

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The theme

Did you have a good weekend?      

Aim of the lesson

·         To enrich pupil`s knowledge about the weekend, to express their opinions

·         to extend pupils’ speaking skills through giving instructions to create an atmosphere of self and  mutual respect  and social interaction through group and pair works

Waiting result

At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

·         Work with pair and group

·         Improve word vocabulary

·         Quick translate

Active forms of work

Dialogue, group work, pair – talk, thin and thick questions strategy, mosaic, knowledge tree, conversation including problematic questions.


Interactive board, pictures, A3 sheets, markers

Procedure of the lesson

stages of the lesson


45 min

Actions of the



Greeting and dividing into groups

3 min

1st  group “Weekend”

2nd group “Holiday

stand in a circle, choose one of the paper, read and sit into groups

Checking up hometask

6 min

asks pupils to say what was their home task for today, then checks it up by asking one pupil from the group ,answer the question

All the words in the answers to this puzzle have the letter E in the middle

1.      You sleep in this? (bed)

2.      How do you ……your name?(spell)

3.      Your mother and father are your …..?(parents)

4.      A day of the week?(Wednesday )

5.      A number between 20 and 100?(seventy)

6.      Women wear this?(dress)

7.      You unlock a door with this?(key)



remind the teacher their home task for today, one pupil from each group answer the question.

Look and say

3 min

And so look at the picture you can see the pictures of girls:

1.      Who are these people?

2.      What do you know about them?

3.      What do you think they are talking about?


1.      Molly and Liz

2.      Molly and Liz are 15, they are best friends

3.      Perhaps they are talking about the weekend

In order to know what are they talking about let`s do a puzzle.



Look and answer the questions






Thin and thick questions

5 min

1. Did you have a good weekend?

-Yes, I did

-No I didn`t

2. What did you do?

I stayed at home, I didn`t do anything

Note: The form of the past tense question is always did……….have………..?

Pictures of activities.

To play football, to watch TV, to travel, to do homework, to play computer games, listen to music, to read the books, to go to the Zoo, to visit friends, to swim.




Warm up exercise

“Head shoulders, knees and toes”

2 min

repeats the actions  of the children from the video together with pupils

repeat the actions of the children  in the video

Pair Work

8 min

asks pupils to work in pairs. Their task is to read the text. It is being done after the texts have been translated by them orally one by one and answer the questions.

 work in pairs read the texts


7 min

 to listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer “True” or “False”


Reflection, Giving feedback and assessment

5  min

asks pupils to tell how they get to school in chain, then teacher counts the points of the group and comments marks

tell to the teacher how they get to school in chain, listen to the marks they’ve got for the lesson

Giving hometask

Ex 1-2 p 13































                         ZH. Kaldigaraev secondary school.











                                   Theme of the lesson



                           “Did you have a good lesson”










                                                                       Teacher: Musorova G








                                          Beyneu 2015

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Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

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Теория и методика билингвального обучения иностранным языкам

Учитель иностранного языка

300/600 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Этот курс уже прошли 71 человек


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3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Психологическая помощь и развитие детей: современные вызовы и решения

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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