Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок по теме "Methods of Cooking and Recipes"

Урок по теме "Methods of Cooking and Recipes"

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Урок по теме "Methods of Cooking  and Recipes".

Вид урока: Урок   совершенствование и развитие речевой деятельности учащихся, т.е. процессов порождения и восприятия речи.

 Цели урока:


·         Активизация тематического материала.

·         Развитие интеллекта обучающихся.

·         Совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки обучающихся  - говорение, аудирование, монологическая и диалогическая речь, письмо.


 • Развитие коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения выделять главную информацию в тексте.

·      Развитие мышления, памяти и внимания


·         Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи и внимания друг к другу

·         Развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка

·         Развитие познавательной активности

 Сопутствующие задачи:

 1. Развитие умений аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации.

2. Развитие умений смыслового чтения.

 2. Развитие  умений устной речи .

 3.Тренировка навыков  монологической   и диалогической речи ,  правильное использование лексических и грамматических единиц.

   Оснащение урока:

·         распечатки  с заданиями;

·         распечатки с  текстами;

·         мультимедийное оборудование

Методы обучения: фронтальная беседа, индивидуальная работа, парная и групповая работы.

Технологии проблемного обучения и смыслового чтения; использование ИКТ технологий.

Этапы урока:

*     Организационный момент.

*     Задание на повторение предыдущего материала: соотнесите слова с их определениями.

*     Просмотр видео ролика и заполнение схемы.

*     Смысловое чтение и соотнесение слов с их определениями.

*     Монологическая речь. Рассказ по плану.

*     Задание на исправление ошибок и коррекцию материала (восстановите правильный порядок предложений в рецептах; задание по грамматике на порядок слов в английском предложении; выполнение проекта по теме «Рецепты блюд»).

*     Защита группового проекта.

*     Работа в парах. Драматизация и составление диалогов.

*     Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок



Урок предназначен на 90 минут, т.е. на одну пару.





Проект урока.

Good morning pupils! I’m very glad to see you.  Let’s start our lesson.

 You’ve chosen your future profession as cooks, haven’t you?  So the most important thing for you is to know methods of cooking. Let’s practice our knowledge about cooking methods and do some tasks.

I.                        Let’s remember moist heat methods. Match the words with their translation:








Сначала легкое обжаривание, затем тушение под крышкой

Варение, кипячение

Варка на пару

Бланширование (обработка продукта кипятком или паром)

Варка в почти закипающей жидкости (припускание)



II.                     Now we are listen to the text, and  while listening you should fill in the scheme:

Dry Heat Meathods



                             Using oil                                                     Using Dry Heat


                            ………….                                                       ………………..

                            …………                                                        ……………………

                             ……………                                                     ……………….





III. Read the following text and then match the words with their definitions:


is cooking meat and poultry, which are placed in an oven and cooked by dry heat.


is frying when natural juices of the food are mixed with the fat or oil in the saucepan.


is dry cooking inside an oven.


is a rapid method of cooking poultry, fish, cuts of meat, sausages by heat, the source of which may be gas, electricity or charcoal.


is a method of cooking above the surface of boiling liquid in a covered saucepan.


is frying on a pan in hot fat or oil, when the food is fried on both sides.


is heating food in different liquids and mixtures, including water, stock, and wine.


is cooking food slowly in liquid.


is immersion of food in hot fat or oil.





Methods of Cooking

     Cooking is a heat treatment of food to make it edible. Many products can not be eaten raw. Meat, fish, and vegetables are usually cooked. Some fruits are not cooked, but some, such as apples, pears, and currants may be used in pies or to make desserts. Fruit are also cooked to make jams, jellies and marmalades.

There are four basic ways to cook food:

1)      Heating in a liquid (boiling, stewing);

2)      Heating in fat or oil (frying or sautéing);

3)       Heating in steam (steaming);

4)      Heating by dry heat (baking, roasting and grilling).

a)             Boiling. We may boil food in different liquids and mixtures, including water, stock, and wine. Meat, poultry, many vegetables and spaghetti are cooked in this way.

b)             Stewing is cooking food slowly in liquid. It is often used foe meat. Vegetables, hers, and spices are usually added at the end of cooking.

c)             Deep-frying is immersion of food in hot fat or oil. Chip potatoes and doughnuts are the best example of deep-frying. Deep-fried foods are called fritters.

d)             Shallow frying is frying on a pan in hot fat or oil, when the food is fried on both sides. We can fry eggs, meat, vegetables, mushrooms, onions and pancakes.

e)             Sautéing is frying when natural juices of the food are mixed with the fat or oil in the saucepan. We can also add stock, wine or cream. As a result we obtain a dish with a sauce.

f)               Steaming is a method of cooking above the surface of boiling liquid in a covered saucepan. Fish, vegetables, and poultry are especially suitable for steaming, as are some types of puddings.

g)              Baking is dry cooking inside an oven. Bread, cakes, pastries, tarts and biscuits are baked. Vegetables, especially potatoes, may also be cooked in this way.

h)             Roasting is cooking meat and poultry, which are placed in an oven and cooked by dry heat. They are often basted, that is, the juices from the meat are spooned over during the process. Some cooks wrap the meat in a roasting foil with a little oil or melted fat. Meat can be also roasted on a spit.

Grilling is a rapid method of cooking poultry, fish, cuts of meat, sausages and kebabs by heat, the course of which may be gas, electricity.

IV. Tell us about foodstuffs you can boil, bake, grill, fry, etc. using the text and the plan:


I can grill poultry, fish, cuts of meat, sausages, kebabs.

I can deep fry ……………………………………. .

I can bake ………………………………………………. .

I can steam …………………………………………. .

I can ……………………………………………………… .

Etc. …















V. I was present at the seminar the day before yesterday. It was dedicated to the advanced cooking methods. I put down recipes of Tuffed Chicken, Vegetable Soup and other dishes. But I was in a hurry to catch everything and did many mistakes. Please, help me to correct them and do the following tasks.

These sentences are mixed up. Rearrange them in the right order:

Tuffed Chicken


INGREDIENTS : 1chicken weighing 1 kg 400 with liver,200 g button mushrooms, 3 stalks parsley,60 g butter, 20 g bread , 700 g potatoes, salt, pepper

ü  Add salt and pepper and leave to cool.

ü  Once the stuffing has cooled, stuff the chicken and sew it up (or plug with a ball of greaseproof paper). Peel and quarter the potatoes. When the chicken has cooked for 15 minutes, arrange the potatoes around it, adding knobs of butter, and leave to cook for a further 35 minutes.

ü  Preheat the oven at 220°C. Melt 15 g of butter in a frying pan and fry the stuffing for 2 minutes on a moderate heat.

ü  Clean and wash the mushrooms. Wash and dry parsley and remove leaves. Mince the chicken liver, parsley, chopped mushrooms and bread.

ü  Once the stuffing has cooled, stuff the chicken and sew it up (or plug with a ball of greaseproof paper).

ü  Put the chicken in an oven dish, coat it with 15 g of butter and put in the oven. Cook for 15 minutes.

Vegetable Soup


INGREDIENTS: 2 carrots, 2 turnips, 1 small marrow,1 leek (or onion), 1 potato,1 stick celery, 1 clove garlic, 20 g butter, salt pepper, 1 litre water, 2 sprigs parsley

ü  Peel and wash all the vegetables, slice them.

ü  Add salt and pepper and pour in 1 litre of very hot water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 25 minutes.

ü  Chop the parsley in the mill and sprinkle over soup just before serving.

ü  Cook for 4 to 5 minutes on a low heat, stirring continuously

ü  Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the vegetables.

ü  Add a spoon of fresh cream.

VI. Rewrite these sentences correctly:

 Carrot and Radish Salad

 INGREDIENTS:  60 ml (1/4 cup) olive oil, 60ml (1/4 cup) fresh lemon juice, 2 garlic cloves,  1 tbs honey, 1 tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp mild paprika, 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon, 3 carrots, 1 bunch radish, 1 cup fresh mint leaves

1. finely, the, garlic, Chop .

2. lemon,  garlic, Whisk oil, honey, cumin, juice, paprika, in, and cinnamon, a bowl.

 with, Season, and, salt, pepper.

3. Peel, carrot, and, thinly, and, the, the,  raddish,  slice .

4. Combine, large, in,  the carrot, bowl, and radish,  a, large.

5. torn, Add, to, and, mint, dressing, the, leaves, salad, combine, to, Toss. Serve.

Salad Herring in Shuba (Russian


(Селёдка «подшубой»)

INGREDIENTS: 2 thick salted herrings, 5 potatoes, 4 carrots, 3 beets, 1 small onion, 300 g mayonnaise, parsley and dill

1. Boil, fork, until vegetables, they, tender, are.

2. bones,  Peel, herrings, along,  cut, removing, skin, from, them, the, the.

Herring,  pieces, Cut, checking, meat, for, into, little, bones.

3. carrots, Grind, potatoes, beets, and.

4. On, of, big, a, layer, mayonnaise, potatoes, plate, on, on, place, layer, a, round, then, a,  spread, evenly, top, in,  thin.

5. Then, the, a, then, a, and, make, of, of layer, beets using, ½, beets, ½, of, of, the, layer, carrots, ½, the, onion, chopped, then – herring, of, of, pieces, meat, spreading, mayonnaise, on evenly, top, each, layer.

6. a, of, Place, layer, the, remaining, a, onion, thin, of,  layer, then, a, of,  mayonnaise,  layer, remaining, carrots, layer of, thin,  a,  and, mayonnaise, the,  finally, beets, remaining.

7. top, On, the, pour,  mayonnaise, remaining.

8.  soaked, Let, overnight, it.

9.  dish, the, with, parsley,  Decorate, chopped, and, dill.

10. as, as, an, Serve, a, in, its, own, or, salad, right, to, a, accompaniment, main, meal.

VII. Divide into three groups. You can see some recipes of dishes that British people often cook for Christmas. The following instructions are mixed up. Divide all these sentences into three columns correctly. Each group will be responsible for one recipe.

Traditional Christmas Pudding

(Традиционный английский пудинг)

INGREDIENTS: l lb (500 g) raisins, l lb (500 g) currants, l lb (500 g)  golden raisins, l lb (500 g)  breadcrumbs, l lb (500 g) brown sugar, 8oz (230 g) suet, 4oz (100 g) mixed peel, 4oz (100 g) glace cherries chopped, 4oz (100 g) almonds chopped, 1 lemon (grate rind), 1 orange (grate rind), 1 carrot — grated, 1 apple – grated, 1 tsp mixed spice, 1 tbs sifted flour, pinch salt, 6-8 eggs, 10oz (280 g) stout (bottle) or dark beer (or 5 ozs (140 g)  brandy & 5 ozs milk).


Red сurrant Biscuits (Tarts)

(Печенье с красной смородиной)

INGREDIENTS : 100 g softened butter, 125 g icing sugar,2 eggs, 150 g sifted flour, 75 g currants


Apple Charlotte

(Яблочный пуддинг)

INGREDIENTS : 100 g softened butter, 125 g icing sugar,2 eggs, 150 g sifted flour, 75 g currants










§  Grease the bottom of a large bowl and press mixture into it.

§  Chop glace cherries, almond.

§  Grate the carrot and the apple.

§  Preheat the oven at 200°C. Grease a baking sheet and use a piping bag or 2 teaspoons to space out small drops of the mixture.

§  Grate lemon and orange rind.

§  To prevent burning keep checking the water in pan.

§  Peel, core and thinly slice the apples, rinse them in cold water and put them in a saucepan with the sugar and 1 oz (25 g) of the butter. Cook them over a low heat until they are soft enough to beat into a purée. Beat them and leave on one side to cool.

§  Melt the remaining 3 oz (75 g) of butter gently, and cut each slice of bread into rectangles.

§  Top each drop with 4 to 5 currants

§  Add the beaten eggs and beer to the mixture.

§  Wrap the bowl well to keep it warm as long as possible.

§  Serve with cream, hot custard, or brandy sauce.

§  Put the sheet in the oven and bake for about 10 minutes. The biscuits should be golden around the edges but still light in the middle.

§  Brush each piece of bread with melted butter (both sides), then line the pudding basin with approximately three-quarters of the bread (overlap the pieces and press firmly).

§  Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl until smooth.

§  Add the eggs, then the flour. Blend until the mixture has an even consistency.

§  Take your largest mixing bowl and Mix all the dry ingredients in it.

§  Beat the eggs lightly.

§  Keep the pudding for one year to eat the next 

§  Place a suitably sized ovenproof plate on top of the pudding and weight it down with a 2 lb (900 g) scale weight. Meanwhile, pre-heat the oven to gas mark 6, 400°F (200°C).

§  After 30 minutes place the basin (with the weight still on it) in the oven to bake for 35 minutes. Then, with an oven cloth, remove the plate and weight, and bake the pudding for another 10 minutes to brown on top.

§  Cover the top with wax paper (crimp it around the edges).

§  Put the bowl in a pan with water on stove for about 4 hours.

§  Leave the pudding to settle in the basin for a minute after removing from the oven, then carefully invert it on to a warmed plate to serve.

§  Seal the top with overlapping slices of the remaining bread.

§  Remove the biscuits using a metal spatula and leave to cool on a rack in several lots.

§  Melt the remaining 3 oz (75 g) of butter gently, and cut each slice of bread into rectangles.

§  When the apple purée has cooled, beat the egg yolk into it and fill the lined basin with the mixture.

VIII. Read these dialogues in pairs and then make up your own dialogues:

Dialogue 1

-          What ingredients do we need to prepare pizza?

-          We need 1 package active dry yeast, 1 cup warm water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, pinch salt.

-          What do we need for topping?

-          We need 1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce, browned ground beef, 1 can sliced mushrooms, thinly sliced green pepper and onions, 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, 1 to 2 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese

-          What should we add to the water to make dough?

-          Add yeast, sugar, oil, flour, and salt and stir until dissolved.

-          How should we lay toppings on dough?

-          Lay toppings on dough in order listed.

-          How much should we bake pizza?

-          Bake at 400° for 15 to 20 minutes.

Dialogue 2

-                     What ingredients do we need to prepare chocolate-cream?

-                     We need 1/2 litre milk,5 egg yolks,80 g sugar, 50 g cocoa,100 g fresh cream

-                     What should we beat in a bowl?

-                     Beat the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl.

-                     Do we need any milk?

-                     Heat up the milk. Pour it in a little boiling-hot milk, beating all the time.

-                     Should we boil the cream?

-                      Do not allow the cream to boil. Once it coats the back of the spoon it is cooked. Leave to cool for a while.

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Краткое описание документа:

Урок по теме "Methods of Cooking and Recipes".

Вид урока: Урок совершенствование и развитие речевой деятельности учащихся, т.е. процессов порождения и восприятия речи.

Цели урока:


  • Активизация тематического материала.
  • Развитие интеллекта обучающихся.
  • Совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки обучающихся- говорение, аудирование, монологическая и диалогическая речь, письмо.


• Развитие коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения выделять главную информацию в тексте.

  • Развитие мышления, памяти и внимания


  • Воспитание чувства взаимопомощи и внимания друг к другу
  • Развитие мотивации к изучению иностранного языка
  • Развитие познавательной активности

Сопутствующие задачи:

1. Развитие умений аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации.

2. Развитие умений смыслового чтения.

2. Развитиеумений устной речи .

3.Тренировка навыковмонологическойи диалогической речи ,правильное использование лексических и грамматических единиц.

Оснащение урока:

  • распечаткис заданиями;
  • распечатки стекстами;
  • мультимедийное оборудование

Методы обучения: фронтальная беседа, индивидуальная работа, парная и групповая работы.

Технологии проблемного обучения и смыслового чтения; использование ИКТ технологий.

Этапы урока:

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Задание на повторение предыдущего материала: соотнесите слова с их определениями.
  3. Просмотр видео ролика и заполнение схемы.
  4. Смысловое чтение и соотнесение слов с их определениями.
  5. Монологическая речь. Рассказ по плану.
  6. Задание на исправление ошибок и коррекцию материала (восстановите правильный порядок предложений в рецептах; задание по грамматике на порядок слов в английском предложении; выполнение проекта по теме «Рецепты блюд»).
  7. Защита группового проекта.
  8. Работа в парах. Драматизация и составление диалогов.
  9. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок

Урок предназначен на 90 минут, т.е. на одну пару.

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