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  • Страноведческий конкурс по английскому языку в 6 классе

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    Страноведческий конкурс по английскому языку в 6 классе

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  A. Conan-Doyle

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    A. Conan-Doyle
    A. Christie

  • Home - library writers8 Beatrix Potter
 James M. Barrie
 Lewis Carroll

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    Home - library writers
    Beatrix Potter
    James M. Barrie
    Lewis Carroll
    Pamela L. Travers
    Alan Milne
    Daniel Defoe

  •    sportsmen9

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Страноведческая викторина по английскому языку в 6 классе



Описание: Предлагаю вам страноведческую викторину по английскому языку для 6 класса,  УМК «New Millennium English» - 6. Викторина будет интересна и полезна как ученикам, так и учителям при подведении итогов данного курса.

Цель: формирование языковой компетенции на уроке английского языка.


1.Активизация речевого взаимодействия;

2. Повысить интерес и мотивацию к изучаемому языку;

4. Закрепление страноведческих знаний;

5. Развивать умение применять полученные знания.


Правила игры: Участвует группа  учащихся 6 класса (15 человек), которая делится на 3 команды по 5 человек. Викторина состоит из 17 заданий. На обсуждение каждого задания дается 1-3 минуты в зависимости от уровня сложности. Очки получает та команда, которая первой даст правильный ответ. Если ответ был неправильный, у команды соперников есть возможность дать свой вариант ответа. Вопросы выбираются по желанию. В конце урока жюри оглашает результаты и называет команду победителей.

Оборудование: конверты с вопросами, таблица на доске с номерами вопросов, компьютер  с наглядными материалами.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Good morning dear boys and girls. Today we have an unusual lesson. You have to answer my questions about the UK, holidays, famous people, places of interest, etc. Three teams will take part in our quiz.   Be attentive! I wish you good luck!

II. Основной этап.

1.task: Match parts of the UK with their capitals

1. England

a)  London

2. Wales


3. Scotland

c) Edinburgh

4. Northern Ireland

d) Belfast




2.task:  Find the flag of the country

1)    Which is the flag of Australia? (2 )

2)    What country consists of 4 parts? (1 )

3)    What country lies to the north of the US? ( 4)

4)    What country lies to the north of England? ( 6)

5)    What country lies to the south of Scotland? (3 )

3.task:  Symbols

1) a red rose, 2) a thistle, 3) a shamrock, 4) a daffodil, 5) the bald eagle.


1)    What is the national symbol of Scotland? ( 3)

2)    What is the national symbol of Wales? ( 2)

3)    What is the national symbol of England? ( 4)

4)    What is the national symbol of Ireland? (1 )


4.task  London sights

1)    Buckingham Palace,2) Westminster Abbey, 3) St. Paul’s Cathedral, 4) The Tower of London, 5) The Houses of Parliament, 6) Trafalgar Square.


1)    What building has Big Ben? ( 6)

2)    It was built in the 11 th century by William the Conqueror as a fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasury. (4)

3)    What is the home of the Queen? ( 2)

4)    It is a royal church. There are tombs of many British Kings and queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place. ( 3)



5.task:   Holidays

1)    Christmas, 2) St. Valentine’s Day, 3) Easter, 4) mother’s Day, 5) Halloween, 6) Father’s Day

Учащимся предлагается описание нескольких праздников, с тем чтобы они назвали, о каком идет речь.

1)    This holiday is celebrated on the 14 th of February as a day of love and friendship. (3 )

2)    People buy presents and cards and send them to their friends and relatives. Parents put their presents into stockings. The traditional meal is roast turkey and pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and a tree. ( 1)

3)    Children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns on this day ( 6)

4)    Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as witches and ghost and go from house to house and say: “Trick or Treat” (5 )




6.task:     Famous people

1. 60884d8a35876b2a5b84fb66cc5

A. Charlie Chaplin

2. lennon_200709040317570

B. Winston Churchill

3. charlie-chaplin-431x300

C. John Lennon

4. 50256474_churchill_winston

D. Agatha Christie


7.task:   “Famous people”

На доске написаны имена выдающихся людей:

1)    Armstrong, 2) Bell, 3) Hogarth, 4) Newton, 5) A. Conan- Doyle, 6) A. Christie.

Вопросы и задания:

1)    Who was one of the best British artists? He painted “Marriage a la Mode”, “The Graham Children” and other pictures which are kept in the National Gallery in London. (3 )

2)    Who wrote 75 detective stories? ( 6)

3)    He was a spaceman and the first person to walk on the Moon. ( 1)

4)    Who invented the telephone? (2 )


      8. task:  “Home Library- writers”

На доске имена писателей:

1)    Beatrix Potter, 2) James M. Barrie, 3) Lewis Carroll, 4) Pamela L. Travers, 5) Alan Milne, 6) Daniel Defoe.


1)    Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? ( )

2)    Who wrote about Winnie-the Pooh? ( )

3)    Who wrote about funny rabbits and other animals? ()

4)    Who is the author of “Mary Poppins”? ( )

5)    Who wrote about the adventures of the girl called Alice in the magic country Wonderland? ( )


9.task:  The final

Участникам конкурса предлагается составить как можно больше слов из слова “Sportsmen

(sport, port, or, men, sort, to, ten, rose, nose, stop, pot, post, most, on, no, not, pet, more, rest, nest, pen, note, top )

Победители награждаются!











































1.task: Match parts of the UK with their capitals

1. England

2. Wales

3. Scotland

4. Northern Ireland


1.task: Match parts of the UK with their capitals

1. England

2. Wales

3. Scotland

4. Northern Ireland


1.task: Match parts of the UK with their capitals

1. England

2. Wales

3. Scotland

4. Northern Ireland







2.task:  Find the flag of the country

1) Which is the flag of Australia? ( )

2) What country consists of 4 parts? ( )

3) What country lies to the north of the US? ( )

4) What country lies to the north of England? ( )

5) What country lies to the south of Scotland? ( )



2.task:  Find the flag of the country

1) Which is the flag of Australia? ( )

2) What country consists of 4 parts? ( )

3) What country lies to the north of the US? ( )

4) What country lies to the north of England? ( )

5) What country lies to the south of Scotland? ( )




2.task:  Find the flag of the country

1) Which is the flag of Australia? ( )

2) What country consists of 4 parts? ( )

3) What country lies to the north of the US? ( )

4) What country lies to the north of England? ( )

5) What country lies to the south of Scotland? ( )










3.task:  Symbols

1) a red rose, 2) a thistle, 3) a shamrock, 4) a daffodil  

1) What is the national symbol of Scotland? ( )

2) What is the national symbol of Wales? ( )

3) What is the national symbol of England? ( )

4) What is the national symbol of Ireland? ( )



3.task:  Symbols

1) a red rose, 2) a thistle, 3) a shamrock, 4) a daffodil

1) What is the national symbol of Scotland? ( )

2) What is the national symbol of Wales? ( )

3) What is the national symbol of England? ( )

4) What is the national symbol of Ireland? ( )



3.task:  Symbols

1) a red rose, 2) a thistle, 3) a shamrock, 4) a daffodil    .

1) What is the national symbol of Scotland? ( )

2) What is the national symbol of Wales? ( )

3) What is the national symbol of England? ( )

4) What is the national symbol of Ireland? ( )








4.task:  London sights


1)Buckingham Palace,2) Westminster Abbey, 3) St. Paul’s Cathedral, 4) The Tower of London, 5) The Houses of Parliament, 6) Trafalgar Square.


1)  What building has Big Ben? ( )

2)  It was built in the 11 th century by William the Conqueror as a fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasury. ( )

3)  What is the home of the Queen? ( )

4)  It is a royal church. There are tombs of many British Kings and queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place. ( )



4.task:  London sight


1)Buckingham Palace,2) Westminster Abbey, 3) St. Paul’s Cathedral, 4) The Tower of London, 5) The Houses of Parliament, 6) Trafalgar Square.


1)What building has Big Ben? ( )

2)  It was built in the 11 th century by William the Conqueror as a fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasury. ( )

3)  What is the home of the Queen? ( )

4)  It is a royal church. There are tombs of many British Kings and queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place. ( )








4.task:  London sights


1)Buckingham Palace,2) Westminster Abbey, 3) St. Paul’s Cathedral, 4) The Tower of London, 5) The Houses of Parliament, 6) Trafalgar Square.


1)   What building has Big Ben? ( )

2)   It was built in the 11 th century by William the Conqueror as a fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasury. ( )

3)   What is the home of the Queen? ( )

4)   It is a royal church. There are tombs of many British Kings and queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place. ( )




5.task:   Holidays


1)Christmas, 2) St. Valentine’s Day, 3) Easter, 4) mother’s Day, 5) Halloween, 6) Father’s Day


1)  This holiday is celebrated on the 14 th of February as a day of love and friendship. ( )

2)  People buy presents and cards and send them to their friends and relatives. Parents put their presents into stockings. The traditional meal is roast turkey and pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and a tree. ( )

3)  Children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns on this day ( )

4)  Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as witches and ghost and go from house to house and say: “Trick or Treat” ( )





5.task:   Holidays


1)Christmas, 2) St. Valentine’s Day, 3) Easter, 4) mother’s Day, 5) Halloween, 6) Father’s Day


1)  This holiday is celebrated on the 14 th of February as a day of love and friendship. ( )

2)  People buy presents and cards and send them to their friends and relatives. Parents put their presents into stockings. The traditional meal is roast turkey and pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and a tree. ( )

3)  Children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns on this day ( )

4)  Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as witches and ghost and go from house to house and say: “Trick or Treat” ( )



5.task:   Holidays


1)Christmas, 2) St. Valentine’s Day, 3) Easter, 4) mother’s Day, 5) Halloween, 6) Father’s Day


1)  This holiday is celebrated on the 14 th of February as a day of love and friendship. ( )

2)  People buy presents and cards and send them to their friends and relatives. Parents put their presents into stockings. The traditional meal is roast turkey and pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and a tree. ( )

3)  Children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns on this day ( )

4)  Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as witches and ghost and go from house to house and say: “Trick or Treat” ( )


6.task:     Famous people

A. Charlie Chaplin

B. Winston Churchill

C. John Lennon

D. Agatha Christie



6.task:     Famous people

A. Charlie Chaplin

B. Winston Churchill

C. John Lennon

D. Agatha Christie



6.task:     Famous people

A. Charlie Chaplin

B. Winston Churchill

C. John Lennon

D. Agatha Christie



7.task:   Famous people


1)Armstrong, 2) Bell, 3) Hogarth, 4) Newton, 5) A. Conan- Doyle, 6) A. Christie


1)  Who was one of the best British artists? He painted “Marriage a la Mode”, “The Graham Children” and other pictures which are kept in the National Gallery in London. ( )

2)  Who wrote 75 detective stories? ( )

3)  He was a spaceman and the first person to walk on the Moon. ( )

4)  Who invented the telephone? ( )



7.task:   “Famous people”


1)Armstrong, 2) Bell, 3) Hogarth, 4) Newton, 5) A. Conan- Doyle, 6) A. Christie


1)  Who was one of the best British artists? He painted “Marriage a la Mode”, “The Graham Children” and other pictures which are kept in the National Gallery in London. ( )

2)  Who wrote 75 detective stories? ( )

3)  He was a spaceman and the first person to walk on the Moon. ( )

4)  Who invented the telephone? ( )










7.task:   “Famous people”


1)Armstrong, 2) Bell, 3) Hogarth, 4) Newton, 5) A. Conan- Doyle, 6) A. Christie


1)  Who was one of the best British artists? He painted “Marriage a la Mode”, “The Graham Children” and other pictures which are kept in the National Gallery in London. ( )

2)  Who wrote 75 detective stories? ( )

3)  He was a spaceman and the first person to walk on the Moon. ( )

4)  Who invented the telephone? ( )



      8. task:  “Home Library- writers”


1)  Beatrix Potter, 2) James M. Barrie, 3) Lewis Carroll, 4) Pamela L. Travers, 5) Alan Milne, 6) Daniel Defoe.


1) Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? ( )

2) Who wrote about Winnie-the Pooh? ( )

3)Who wrote about funny rabbits and other animals? ()

4)Who is the author of “Mary Poppins”? ( )

5)Who wrote about the adventures of the girl called Alice in the magic country Wonderland? ( )










  8. task:  “Home Library- writers”


1)  Beatrix Potter, 2) James M. Barrie, 3) Lewis Carroll, 4) Pamela L. Travers, 5) Alan Milne, 6) Daniel Defoe.


  1) Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? ( )

  2) Who wrote about Winnie-the Pooh? ( )

3)Who wrote about funny rabbits and other animals? ()

4)Who is the author of “Mary Poppins”? ( )

 5)Who wrote about the adventures of the girl called Alice in the magic country  Wonderland? ( )


      8. task:  “Home Library- writers”


1)  Beatrix Potter, 2) James M. Barrie, 3) Lewis Carroll, 4) Pamela L. Travers, 5) Alan Milne, 6) Daniel Defoe.


1) Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”? ( )

2) Who wrote about Winnie-the Pooh? ( )

     3)Who wrote about funny rabbits and other animals? ()

4)Who is the author of “Mary Poppins”? ( )

5)Who wrote about the adventures of the girl called Alice in the magic country Wonderland? ( )


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