Инфоурок Начальные классы КонспектыКонспект урока английского языка на тему: «Bear Billy’s garden»

Конспект урока английского языка на тему: «Bear Billy’s garden»

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1.Оргмомент (1 мин)

Good morning, children. Let me introduce myself. My name is Victoria Borisovna. I’ll be teaching you English this lesson. Seat down. Get ready for the lesson.

Good morning!



Children take their seats and check their readiness for the lesson.


2.Создание эмоционального настроя

(show children the bear) Look, this is a bear. His name is Billy. Сегодня мы отправимся в гости к мишке Билли. За вашу активность на уроке он будет дарить вам вкусности. So, he wants us to show his garden. Do you know what means ‘garden’?

Today we are the guests of The bear Billy’s garden.










The post is hanging on the desk.

3.Устная проверка слов

Look at the desk. We can see a lot of tasty things in The bear Billy’s garden. Repeat after me the names of fruits and vegetables:








So, there are the names of fruits and vegetables of bear Billy’s garden. But bear Billy has pictures of his crop (урожай). Who wants to take the picture and put it in The bear Billy’s garden?




Oh, look! Now The bear Billy’s garden is full of fruits and vegetables. Do you like this garden?

Let’s ask each other in a chain if somebody likes something from The bear Billy’s garden.

So, I start. Timur, do you like cabbage?

Then ask your neighbor what he likes.


Children look at the desk.




Children repeat the word after teacher.














Children take the pictures and put them in The Bear Billy’s garden.





Yes, I do.




-    Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

-    Do you like..?

-    Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Do you like..?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Do you like..? (etc.)

Во время чтения слов учитель показывает указкой на слова, которые надо произнести.


Bear Billy wants us to listen to about him. You’ve listened to his story at home. Now listen ones more. But at first open your books at page 15. Look at the lesson 8, Ex. 2 (write on the desk the page and etc.).

В этом упражнении вас просят восстановить рассказ мишки Билли. Посмотрите на слова в рамочке. Исправьте слово nice на слово kind. Значение у слов одинаковое, но мишка говорит слово kind. Как переводятся эти слова?

Переведем и другие слова:








Во время прослушивания попробуйте вставить слова.

So, get ready for listening.


Who knows what Billy is talking about himself?







Now listen ones more. Вставьте оставшиеся слова.

Lets check. Read please the sentences one by one.







Yeah, bear Billy asks us: «Do you like honey and sweets? ».


What means ‘honey’? Look at the box under the bear.

Ok, now answer Billy’s question: «Do you like honey (sweets)? ».
















хороший, добрый.











Children listen to the Billy’s story.

Его зовут Билли. Он живет в английском лесу. Он думает, что очень добрый. У него много друзей. Он ходит в школу. Он умеет писать. Он любит сладкий мед, джем и пирожные.  Но он не любит капусту и кукурузу.


Children listen to the Billy’s story once more.

I am Billy. I live in the English forest. I Think I am very kind. I have got a lot of friends. I go to school. I can write. I like sweets, honey, jam and cakes. But I don’t like cabbage and corn. Do you like honey and sweets?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.






Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.



Bear Billy wants to play with us. Stand up. Игра похожа на игру «Капитан говорит», только сегодня вместо этого я буду говорить «Billy says». Let’s try.

Billy says hands up

Billy says stamp your feet


Billy says clap your hands

Clap your hands

Billy says jump

Billy says turn around

Seat down

Billy says seat down


Very good!

Children listen carefully to the teacher and repeat actions by her.


Сказка «The turnip»

Look, children! There is something else in The Bear Billy’s garden. Let’s ask Billy what it is. Is it a cabbage?

No, It isn’t. Children, ask Billy.

No it isn’t

No it isn’t

But what it is? (медленно тяну за хвост репки) I can’t. Let’s help me. (распределяю роли)

Grandfather – Тимур

Granny – Полина

Granddaughter – Арина

A dog Zhuchka – Кирилл

A cat Murka – Айсель

Grandson – Вадим

A pig Nuffy – Настя

A hen Co-co – Анна

A frog Kwa – Алина

Я раздам вам слова. Они очень легкие и похожи у каждого персонажа. Let’s read.




























Perfect! Now, I will be the author. Listen to me.

One day in The bear Billy’s garden grew a very very very big turnip…Nobody could pull it out. And the little bear decided to ask people to help him. Then Grandfather came.


So, what means ‘turnip’?








Is it a carrot?

Is it a corn?














-What is it? I want to pull it out. One, two, three… Oh, It’s too big. Granny, come here and help me.

-Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. Granddaughter, come here and help us.

-Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A dog, come here and help us.

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A cat, come here and help us.

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A pig, come here and help us.

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A hen, come here and help us.

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A frog, come here and help us.

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A mouse, come here and help us.

-Here I am! One, two, three!










Выходит Тимур. Говорит свои слова. Так по цепочке.



Фонетическая разминка

Look, there is something in the turnip. (достаю задание) Somebody wrote the exercise: Students book, p.14 Ex.3, You’re your books at page 14 Ex.3. Учитель произносит слова, дети повторяют.

В оставшееся время.

Итог урока.

Do you like the fairytale?

What else did we do at the lesson?




Give me in your working books, I’ll check your homework. The homework on the next lesson: выучите рассказ мишки Билли так, что бы уметь рассказать о нем. Это с. 15 № 2 в учебнике.

Thank you for your excellent work. You’re perfect actors. By the way, bear Billy is do happy that you’re coming to see his garden.

Good bye!

Yes, I do!

Мы вспоминали слова

Спрашивали друг у друга, что мы любим.

Играли в игру «Billy says»













Good bye!

Записываю д/з на доске.



План урока:

1.     Good morning, children. Let me introduce myself. My name is Victoria Borisovna. I’ll be teaching you English this lesson. Seat down. Get ready for the lesson.


2.     (show children the bear) Look, this is a bear. His name is Billy. Сегодня мы отправимся в гости к мишке Билли. За вашу активность на уроке он будет дарить вам вкусности. So, he wants us to show his garden. Do you know what means ‘garden’?

Today we are the guests of The bear Billy’s garden.


3.     Look at the desk. We can see a lot of tasty things in The bear Billy’s garden. Repeat after me the names of fruits and vegetables:








So, there are the names of fruits and vegetables of bear Billy’s garden. But bear Billy has pictures of his crop (урожай). Who wants to take the picture and put it in The bear Billy’s garden?


Oh, look! Now The bear Billy’s garden is full of fruits and vegetables. Do you like this garden?

Let’s ask each other in a chain if somebody likes something from The bear Billy’s garden.

So, I start. Timur, do you like cabbage?

Then ask your neighbor what he likes.


4.     Bear Billy wants us to listen to about him. You’ve listened to his story at home. Now listen ones more. But at first open your books at page 15. Look at the lesson 8, Ex. 2 (write on the desk the page and etc.).

В этом упражнении вас просят восстановить рассказ мишки Билли. Посмотрите на слова в рамочке. Исправьте слово nice на слово kind. Значение у слов одинаковое, но мишка говорит слово kind. Как переводятся эти слова?

Переведем и другие слова:








Во время прослушивания попробуйте вставить слова.

So, get ready for listening.


Who knows what Billy is talking about himself?



Now listen ones more. Вставьте оставшиеся слова.

Lets check. Read please the sentences one by one.


Yeah, bear Billy asks us: «Do you like honey and sweets? ».


What means ‘honey’? Look at the box under the bear.

Ok, now answer Billy’s question: «Do you like honey (sweets)?».


5.     Bear Billy wants to play with us. Stand up. Игра похожа на игру «Капитан говорит», только сегодня вместо этого я буду говорить «Billy says». Let’s try.

Billy says hands up

Billy says stamp your feet


Billy says clap your hands

Clap your hands

Billy says jump

Billy says turn around

Seat down

Billy says seat down


Very good!


6.     Look, children! There is something else in The Bear Billy’s garden. Let’s ask Billy what it is. Is it a cabbage?

No, It isn’t. Children, ask Billy.

No it isn’t

No it isn’t

But what it is? (медленно тяну за хвост репки) I can’t. Let’s help me. (распределяю роли)

Grandfather – Тимур

Granny – Полина

Granddaughter – Арина

A dog Zhuchka – Кирилл

A cat Murka – Айсель

Grandson – Вадим

A pig Nuffy – Настя

A hen Co-co – Анна

A frog Kwa – Алина

Я раздам вам слова. Они очень легкие и похожи у каждого персонажа. Let’s read.


Perfect! Now, I will be the author. Listen to me.

One day in The bear Billy’s garden grew a very very very big turnip…Nobody could pull it out. And the little bear decided to ask people to help him. Then Grandfather came.


So, what means ‘turnip’?



7.     Look, there is something in the turnip. (достаю задание) Somebody wrote the exercise: Students book, p.14 Ex.3, You’re your books at page 14 Ex.3. Учитель произносит слова, дети повторяют.


8.     Do you like the fairytale?

What else did we do at the lesson?


Give me in your working books, I’ll check your homework. The homework on the next lesson: выучите рассказ мишки Билли так, что бы уметь рассказать о нем. Это с. 15 № 2 в учебнике.

Thank you for your excellent work. You’re perfect actors. By the way, bear Billy is do happy that you’re coming to see his garden.

Good bye!




Задание репки: Students book, p.14 Ex.3


-What is it? I want to pull it out. One, two, three… Oh, It’s too big. Granny, come here and help me.



-Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. Granddaughter, come here and help us.



-Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A dog, come here and help us.


A dog:

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A cat, come here and help us.


A cat:

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A pig, come here and help us.


A pig:

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A hen, come here and help us.


A hen:

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A frog, come here and help us.


A frog:

- Ok, I am coming. One, two, three…Oh, It’s too big. A mouse, come here and help us.


A mouse:

-Here I am! One, two, three!





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