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Внеклассное мероприятие "St Valentine's Day" 8 класс

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Внеклассное мероприятие                                       «St. Valentines Day»

8а класс



Оформление и оборудование: плакаты и иллюстрации с изображением традиционных элементов праздника, коробочка для валентинок, доска.




Задачи: знакомство учащихся с одним из традиционных праздников страны изучаемого языка, воспитание культуры речи и поведения, способствующего всестороннему развитию личности ученика, создание благоприятного микроклимата.




План проведения:


1.     Introduction (Student, Pupil 1).

2.     History (Pupil 2, 3).

3.     Valentine rhymes and messages (Pupil 4).

4.     Did you know? (Pupil 5).

5.     Valentine gifts (Pupil 6).

6.     Giftoscope (Student).

7.     How romantic are you? (Student).

8.     Are the following statements true or false? (Student).

9.     Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Student).

10. Love Survey (Pupil 7).













1. Introduction.


Student: Love is in the air! Here it comes again: the day for exchanging love messages, chocolates, roses and promises.

On February 14th millions of people will receive Valentine cards – paper or electronic, sentimental or comic, in verse or in prose. Today we are going to learn more about St. Valentine’s Day!


Pupil 1: In Europe, North America and Australia, February the 14th is famous as St. Valentine’s Day. On that day, people send valentines, special cards with an affectionate message, to their husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, parents and children, relatives and even neighbours. You can also send a card to a person you don’t know. But traditionally you must never write your name on it, and for the person whom you send this card it is interesting to guess who has sent it. You had better change your handwriting as well.

The word valentine may mean a special little present. It may also be a sweetheart chosen on this day.



2. History.


         Pupil 2: St. Valentine’s Day as a lovers’ festival dates at least from the 14th century. Generations of young (and not very young) people have regarded St. Valentine as a friend and patron of those who are in love.

         However, St. Valentine is rather a mysterious figure. In ancient Rome there were two martyrs of that name. one of them was a priest who perished in 269 AD, the other was bishop who was executed in 273 AD. It is said that before the execution he sent a note of friendship to his jailer’s blind daughter and signed it “Your Valentine”.

It is not clear, unfortunately, which of the two is really the lovers’ saint. The few known facts of their lives are so interwoven with undocumented traditions that it is impossible to separate fact from legend.

St. Valentine’s Day is often associated with birds. People once believed that birds began to choose their mates on February 14th. Chaucer refers to it, as well as Shakespeare. Probably the keeping of St. Valentine’s Day as a day for people in love grew out of this belief.

Pupil 3: The custom of choosing a Valentine’s Day sweetheart may go back to the Lupercalia (праздник очищения и плодородия в Др. Риме в честь бога Фавна), a fertility festival of ancient Rome, which was held in the middle of February. Young Roman girls decorated love messages and put them in a large box. Unmarried young men drew the names from the box and in this way chose their partners for the festival.

The drawing of the names of young women from a box on St. Valentine’s Day continued for centuries in many countries. This custom was also popular in England. A 17th-century French writer described how he visited an English house on February 14th and how the guests drew lots for partners by writing down names on pieces of paper.

One of the older versions of a well-known rhyme gives the same picture:


The rose is red, the violets are blue,

The honey’s sweet and so are you.

Thou art my love and I am thine

I drew thee to my Valentine.

The lot was cast and then I drew

And fortune said it should be you.


The young men and women who were chosen by this method one gave presents to each other. Later only the men gave a gift. Usually it was a pair of gloves.

The method of choosing sweethearts on St. Valentine’s Day varied in different times and places. It could be a serious matter, leading to marriage, or it could be a kind of game.



3. Valentine rhymes and messages.


Pupil 4: Valentine cards that we know today first appeared in the 18th century. Sweethearts used to spend hours making their own valentines. Lace, satin, ribbon, coloured paper, wild flowers, moss, feather and shells, all were used to make them look more “attractive”. The results of some of those painstaking efforts can still be found in museums.

Traditional valentine cards are in verse and sentimental in nature:


Roses are red,                                             I dream about you

My world is blue.                                        Every night.

But if you’ll love me                                   Be my Valentine

I’ll love you too.                                         And hold me tight.



The sky is high,                                          Honeysuckle’s yellow,

The sea is deep.                                          And leaves are green,

Thinking of you                                          You are the sweetest thing

I cannot sleep.                                            I’ve ever seen.

If you love me like I love you

Nothing but death will part us two.


You’re my rainbow, you’re my star,

You’re my bright red cookie jar.

You’re my goldfish, you’re my pie,

You’re the apple of my eye.

You’re my daisy, you’re my vine,

You’re my own true Valentine!







4. Did you know?


Pupil 5: Your heart beats faster when you are in love. This is why the heart is considered to be the centre of our emotions and is always used to illustrate love. Being in love produces a special “high” feeling. Your blood pressure rises, bringing more blood to the surface of the skin. Your hair and skin improve in texture and your voice becomes deeper. Your immune system is also stronger, making you glow with health.






5. Valentine gifts.


Pupil 6: February 14th is the day to send little gifts to those you love. Flowers and sweets are favourite presents. As the day approaches, shops are filled with red, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates; the florists sell thousands of red roses – a symbol of love.

In the last century, however, the presents bought and given on this day were more numerous, and often more valuable, than those given at Christmas. Anonymous gifts of all kinds were laid upon the doorsteps of houses. The giver, or his messenger, tried to get out of sight before the door could be opened. A great part of the fun was to identify the unknown giver.





6. Giftoscope.


Student: If you’re going to give a present to the person you love, check this star guide to help you decide what to give.

ARIES is sociable but vain. Perfume, aftershave, or a pocket mirror would be ideal gifts for this sign.

A practical TAURUS might like a book on their hobby or a set of screwdrivers.

Communicative, fun-loving GEMINI would be happy with a pen or a video of their favourite film.

Sentimental CANCER loves food. So how about a cake with a romantic message on it?

LEO loves to look good so something trendy to wear would be best.

VIRGO is the tidiest sign of the zodiac so something like a diary would be the best idea.

LIBRA loves luxury, so a silk handkerchief or a meal at a restaurant would suit them.

SCORPIO would love to receive some sexy underwear for a special Valentine’s Day present.

SAGITTARIUS loves sport so anything related to sports would be perfect.

Calculating CAPRICORN likes to keep organized so a calculator or address book would be appreciated.

Eccentric AQUARIUS would like a gadget that is new, fun and useful.

Dreamy PISCES loves music and books so the best present is a romantic book or a CD of love songs.








7. How romantic are you?



1.     Does music ever make you cry?

2.     Do you believe in love at first sight?

3.     Do you enjoy beautiful sunsets?

4.     Do you ever daydream?

5.     Do smells and sounds have special memories for you?

6.     Do you like poetry?

7.     Do you often feel lonely?

8.     Have you ever written a poem?

9.     Do you enjoy tasting new foods?

10. Have you ever fallen in love with a celebrity?


How many times did you say “Yes”? Check your score:

7-10: You are a true romantic. You enjoy life to the full and easily fall in love. You are very emotional and get pleasure from beautiful sounds, sights and smells.

3-6: You are a well-balanced person who lives in harmony with reality. You don’t often fall in love but when you do, your feelings are deep.

Les than 3: You are a cool person. Nothing excites you very much and you never let your heart rule your head. But you may have trouble understanding other people’s feelings.










8. Are the following statements true or false?



1.           St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated only in Great Britain and the USA.

2.           St. Valentine’s Day is a public holiday.

3.           Young Roman girls decorated their love messages before putting them in a special box.

4.           Valentine cards first appeared in the 19th century.

5.           The first Valentine card was hand-made.

6.           When you write a valentine you always sign it.

7.           Traditional valentine cards are in verse and sentimental in nature.

8.           Valentines are never sent to unknown people.

9.           Yellow roses have always been regarded as a symbol of love.

10.       Today many girls still believe that the first boy they see on St. Valentine’s Day will be their future husband.





9. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?   


Student: Let’s  divide in several groups of 4-5. Now, tell me please whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:

1.           Love at first sight doesn’t last long.

2.           True love lasts for ever.

3.           A successful marriage is a lottery.




10. Love Survey.


Pupil 7: A short Love Survey.

Valentine’s Day is a new holiday in Russia, but it’s becoming more and more popular. An opinion poll carried out last February to mark St. Valentine’s Day found that 79% of Russians believe they have experienced true love. 56% said they had fallen in love only once, 18% that they had done it several times, and 5% that they had been in love many times. 15% confessed that they had never been in love at all. The remaining 6% indignantly refused to answer questions about their love lives.




Student: We wish you the best of luck and love on this Valentine’s Day!



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Разработанное мною внеклассное мероприятие по теме  "St Valentine's Day" для учащихся 8 класса основано на материалах журнала Speak out (Журнал Speak out ориентирован на среднее и старшее школьное звено: статьи на различную тематику, лексико-грамматические задания и упражнения, культурологические тексты, сценарии для постановки мини-спектаклей, рассказы, стихи, ребусы, шутки и анектдоты увлекательны и подобраны соответственно возрасту читающих. Множество интересных статей о кино, музыке, культуре и истории англоговорящих стран, а также компьюторах, интернете, жизни тинеейджеров и многом другом помогут не только рассширить кругозор, но и пополнить и обогатить словарный запас. Каждое занятие, история и т.д. имеют краткий вокабуляр с трудными выражениями или словами. Материалы из журнала могут быть использованы на уроках английского языка в школе и институте, они легко интегрируются в школьную и вузовскую программы и служат дополнением к изучаемому материалу.

Задачами данного внеклассного мероприятия стали: знакомство учащихся с одним из традиционных праздников страны изучаемого языка, воспитание культуры речи и поведения, способствующего всестороннему развитию личности ученика, создание благоприятного микроклимата.

 Внеклассное мероприятие "День святого Валентина" состоит из: вступления (истории праздника), стихотворений о любви и вариантов поздравительных смс сообщений, рубрики "Интересные факты", вариантов подарков, гороскопа подарков, теста "Насколько ты романтичен", викторины True/False, аналитических фактов о празднике.




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