Инфоурок Классному руководителю Конспекты: Travelling. Enjoy your flight.

: Travelling. Enjoy your flight.

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 The  theme: Travelling. Enjoy your flight.


to enrich pupils  knowledge about  means of transport and systematize their

grammar  skills, to study new phrasal verbs;

to  develop pupils pronunciation, grammar, lexical habits;

to create an interest to  study  foreign language.

Type of lesson: new lesson

Form of the lesson: standard

Visual aids: liner board, cards, additional material.

Methods of lesson: level tasks.

                                    Procedure of the lesson

1.      Organization moment

a)Talking with a pupil on duty about date, weather and season.

b)Warm – up

There are a lot of cities

Beautiful and fine

But ,of course, the most is

 My native not big town. 

Translate this poem. These are the words about our town Kostanai. But what city are these words about?

Capital, beautiful, noisy, crowded, peaceful, busy, historical.( Astana)

And what is this rhyme about?

If you go to the left, you’re sure  go  right.

If you go to the right, you go wrong.

 ( London , because in London and in whole Britain the traffic is left-hand)

2.Introduction of the new theme

The theme of our  lesson is “ Travelling. Enjoy your flight.”

What  means of transport  do you know? (the answers of students)

 But now listen to me and  answer the questions:

     1) What did people use to get from one place to another in the past?

     2) Why did people have to travel so long to get to the place they needed in old days?

     3) Why do many people like to travel by air ( by train, by car)?

     4) Which do you often use to get to school?


3. Look at the exercise  8 p. 6 ( textbook  9 class  2009 , T. Ayapova )and say the right preposition with the means of transport.


4. Pre- listening. Answer my questions:

1)      Are planes really safer than cars?(A  British study shows that flying is 176 times safer that walking, 15 times safer than traveling and 300 times safer that a motorbike)

2)      What are the advantages of traveling by airplane?(It is the fastest means of transport. (You can’t see the landscape of the villages, cities and many other things.)

3)      Do you fly by plane?

Do you want to fly by plane?

4)      Do you know someone who is afraid of flying in an airplane?

6. Listening to the dialogue “Enjoy your flight.”  but before listening there are some new words.

Listen and repeat :

a trip -  путешествие, поездка

exciting though  - волнующая

to be surprised - быть удивленным

thrilled - испуганный

to get to the place - добраться до места 

to fell quiet fresh and ready for work  - чувствовать свежесть и готовность к работе

How long would it have taken  - сколько потребовалось бы часов

to arrive tired and dirty – прибывать усталым и грязным

  to travel on business - путешествовать по работе                                              You’ll listen to the dialogue 2 times.



Brown: I hear you’ve  just had a trip by air.

             What was it like?

Smith: Oh, quite good. It could have been

              more   exciting  through.

Brown: I’m surprised to hear   that.

              I thought you would have been

               thrilled by it.

Smith:    The best thing about it was that it

                took     me only two hours to get to

                the place. And I felt quite  fresh

                and   ready for work.

Brown: How long would it have taken by train?

Smith: At least six hours, and I should

            have arrived tired and dirty. From

            how    on I’d rather fly every time I

            have to travel on business.


 Now put the sentences into the right order to reconstitute the whole text.( to give the cutting cards – jig- saw reading)

Let’s read this dialogue in pairs in the right order. Translate it.

7.And now  make up your own dialogue, using these cards ( to  give  the cards)


What means of transport do you know? What  transport do you often use to get to school? (car, bus, on foot)

8.Phrasal verbs p.193-195 ex.6,7 ( to check the home task  and  show the presentation of  phrasal verbs on the linerboard with the examples and exercises for training)

9.Giving marks

10.Home task

Ex.1 p.73-74 (explain)




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Краткое описание документа:

Aims: to enrich pupils  knowledge about  means of transport and systematize their grammar  skills, to study new phrasal verbs; to  develop pupils pronunciation, grammar, lexical habits; to create an interest to  study  foreign language. Type of lesson: new lesson Form of the lesson: standard Visual aids: liner board, cards, additional material. Methods of lesson: level tasks.                                     Procedure of the lesson 1.      Organization moment a)Talking with a pupil on duty about date, weather and season. b)Warm – up There are a lot of cities Beautiful and fine But ,of course, the most is  My native not big town.  Translate this poem. These are the words about our town Kostanai. But what city are these words about? Capital, beautiful, noisy, crowded, peaceful, busy, historical.( Astana) And what is this rhyme about?

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