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План урока Garbage disposal.

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Date: The 2nd  of April.

Days of week: Tuesday


  Plan of the lesson for 9th forms.

 Theme:  Garbage disposal.

 Aims:1.Checking up the pupils home tasks, their speaking, reading, writing abilities.

             2. Explaining new theme, new grammar material and new words.

             3. Developing pupils thinking abilities, rising pupils’ interest to subject, closing up new theme.

 Visual aids: cards, pictures, tests, table

 Structure of the lesson:

 1. Organization moment:

 --Good morning, pupils!                                      --What season is it now?           

 --Welcome to our lesson!                                     --Who can tell me about season?

 --How are you?                                                   --What date is it today?

 --Are you ready for the lesson?                            --What day is it today?

 --Who can tell me about weather?                      

 --What is the weather like today?

 --Is it cool?

 2. Checking up the home tasks:

 --What was your home tasks?

 --Are you ready for home tasks?

3. New words:

4. New theme:


In the United States, over 160 million tons of garbage is pro­duced every year. Ten percent is recycled, ten percent is burned, and the rest is put in landfills. But finding land for new landfills is becoming more difficult.

A city that has solved this problem in an unusual way is, Machida, in Tokyo, Japan. They have developed totally a new approach to garbage disposal. The key to the operation is public cooperation. Families must divide their garbage into six categories:

1.      garbage that can be easily burned (that is, combustible gar­bage), such as kitchen and garden trash;

2.      noncombustible garbage, such as small electrical appliances, plastic tools, and plastic toys;

3.      products that are poisonous or that cause pollution, such as batteries;

4.      bottles and glass containers that can be recycled;

5.      metal containers that can be recycled;

6.      Large items, such as furniture and bicycles.

The items in categories 1 to 5 are collected on different days. (Large items are only collected upon request). Then the garbage is taken to a center that looks like a clean new office building or a hospital. Inside the center, special equipment is used to sort and process the garbage. Almost everything can be reused: garden or kitchen trash becomes fertilizer; combustible garbage is burned to produce electricity; metal containers and bottles are recycled.

Exercise 4 Read the diagrams and draw a diagram of this kind in your notebook. Complete it with the information from the text.

Exercise 5 Read this semantic map. Do you want to add?


5. Closing up the new theme:  Put question about new theme.

Exercise 6 Divide the following into six categories:

————-old newspapers ——–beer cans

————-old coats —————old dishes

————batteries ———— old wardrobes

———–plastic bottles ———-plastic toys


6.Hometask:  Make up sentences/ Retell the text




Days of week: Thursday


  Plan of the lesson for 11th forms.

 Theme: «How did Valentines become popular in America?»

 Aims:1.Checking up the pupils hometasks, their speaking, reading, writing abilities.

             3. Developing pupils thinking abilities, rising pupils’ interest to subject, closing up new theme.

 Visual aids: cards, pictures, tests, table

 Structure of the lesson:

 1. Organization moment:

 --Good morning, pupils!                                      --What season is it now?           

 --Welcome to our lesson!                                     --Who can tell me about season?

 --How are you?                                                   --What date is it today?

 --Are you ready for the lesson?                                        --What day is it today?

 --Who can tell me about weather?                      

 --What is the weather like today?

 --Is it cool?

 2. Checking up the hometasks:

 --What was your hometasks?

 --Are you ready for hometasks?

3. New words:

4. New theme: Will be doing and will have done



- Mary, what about going to the cinema at 12 o'clock?

- I'm sorry, but I can't. I promised mom to help her in the garden.

I'll be planting flowers this time tomorrow.

- Then what about going to the cinema at six?

- Well, at 6 o'clock I'll be cleaning my room, but I'll have cleaned it

in half an hour, so we can go to the cinema at 7 o'clock.


'll be planting, 'll be cleaning - формы Future Continuous Tense






 (a) Сначала изучите ситуацию:

 Эти формы Future Continuous(will be doing),

похожие на Past(was doing) и Present Continuous (am/is/are doing), мы используем, чтобы сказать,что действие будет совершено в определенное время в будущем.

В следующих примерах сравните will be doing с другими формами continuous:

 - My friend has her English lessons every day at 5 o'clock.

- Yesterday at 5 o'clock she was having her English lesson. (см.Unit 12)

- It is 5 o'clock now she is having her English lesson. (см.Unit 1)

- At 5 o'clock tomorrow she will be having her English lesson.

 (b) В первом примере 'll have cleaned является глаголом Future Perfect Tense. Мы используем это время (will have done),чтобы сказать, что что-то уже произошло перед определенным моментом будущего.

Вот несколько других примеров:

 - He says that before he leaves (this is a certain moment in the future),

he'll have seen every show in the town.

- By this time next month, all the roses will have died.

- When you are my age you'll have learnt much about the weakness of man.

 3 Вы можете также использовать Future Continuous Tense (will be doing) в других случаях: чтобы сказать о действиях, которые уже запланированы или решены:

  Here is John's schedule for the next Saturday:

-in the morning he will be working in the garden.

-in the afternoon, when it is very hot he will be repairing his

car in the garage.

- And what is he doing in the evening? He is taking Mary to the cinema.



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Краткое описание документа:


In the United States, over 160 million tons of garbage is pro­duced every year. Ten percent is recycled, ten percent is burned, and the rest is put in landfills. But finding land for new landfills is becoming more difficult.


A city that has solved this problem in an unusual way is, Machida, in Tokyo, Japan. They have developed totally a new approach to garbage disposal. The key to the operation is public cooperation. Families must divide their garbage into six categories:

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