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     Муниципальное общеобразовательное бюджетное учреждение

                          средняя  общеобразовательная школа №15 













         Реорle With Unusual Gifts











                                                                               Путилина Л.Г.


                                                                                Учащиеся 9, 10 кл.

                                                                                МОБУ СОШ № 15

                                                                                Давлетова Зульфия,

                                                                                Мухетдинов Ильназ













                                  Нефтекамск 2009-2010 учебный год





1.Познавательный аспект.

Знакомство с научными исследованиями в области интеллектуальных способностей человека.

2. Учебный аспект.

Формирование умений и навыков говорения по теме с использованием материалов из периодической печати, Интернета, новейших печатных изданий.

3. Развивающий аспект.

Развитие способности устной речи, обобщение фактов и формулирование выводов из прочитанного и сказанного.

4.Воспитательный аспект.

Формирование толерантного отношения к людям, отличающимся в восприятии мира, в поведении; подвести ученика к осознанию того, что все - разные. Способствовать воспитанию в нём уважительного отношения к тем, кто по – иному воспринимает  окружающий мир, действует и мыслит.































                                            Maybe people with unusual gifts will change our lives for the better.



                          Indigo children are among us.   


  Scientists say Indigo children do exist –a new race with extrasensory abilities. Each year, more parents and teachers come forward with stories about these children.


  A psychologist and a member of the European Psychiatric association Natalya Mikhaylovskaya spoke withKomsomolskaya Pravda” about Indigo children after years of studying gifted youth.

She says that for the past ten years children have been born who don’t resemble ordinary boys and girls. Their uniqueness is apparent when they are only several months old. Doctors say they are astounded by the children’s very “adult” eyes. While ordinary babies aren’t able to focus their vision, Indigo children stare intensely. The older they get the odder they behave compared to their peers.”


  Parents are confused and turning to medical professionals for advice about how to raise their Indigo children. They’re having a difficult time communicating with their kids. Their children don’t want to study or play games like their friends. They don’t listen to authority and they’re always off on their own.


  There have always been problem children. In the past psychologists diagnosed them with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Hyperactivity and prescribe sedatives. However, children who suffer from hyperactivity aren’t able to concentrate for long periods of time on one activity. The smallest obstacle deters them from proceeding any further and they are immediately consumed by another task.


  Meanwhile, Indigo children stick to one activity that genuinely interests them – and aren’t impeded by difficulties. Instead, obstacles give them the extra push they need to succeed. Indigo children accomplish a great deal quickly. They’re persistent and concentrated until they’ve satisfied their curiosity. Einstein comes to mind, who was considered mentally handicapped as a young boy.


  Mikhaylovskaya said that for a long time there was no official name for these kids. In Russia they’re called children of the new millennium, or children of the light. In France the children are called Teflon kids as they don’t stick to social stereotypes. In England they’re called cyborgs as they listen to their heads more than their hearts.







  Indigo children start using computers when they are only 3-4 years old unlike most children. They are technologically advanced. Thus, it’s safe to assume that technologically will develop more quickly in the next 10 years than previously thought possible. Indigo children will open the door to a world where people work with their heads and not their hands.


                    Scientists’ Opinion About Unique Children


  The term “Indigo”, as these children are called in the U.S., is rooted in the research of the psychologist Lee Carroll. Carroll’s research is disputable as the concept of auras isn’t accepted by the scientific community as a whole. However, a number of authoritative scientists have lent credit to the field by developing methods to study the energetic forces encompassing objects that are known as auras.


  Carroll measured the auras of outstanding individuals – the size, color, shape and intensity of illumination. He discovered their auras were bright violet whereas most people’s are yellow or green. Carroll also demonstrated that children with bright violet auras surpass both their parents and peers in terms of intellect and knowledge.


  Mikhaylovskaya said that Indigo children are smart, developed and don’t fit the usual stereotypes of children. They’re very gifted and have an entirely different agenda for our planet. Their average IQ is 130 – a level matched by 1 in 10,000. (The average IQ is 100.)


  More and more scientists believe that mankind is standing on the threshold of change. We made a small leap in the 20th Century, increasing our average lifespan and working age. Indigo children may lead mankind in a new direction in the 21st Century as technology shift into the forefront replacing biology.


  The Indigo race is quickly multiplying. Even as early as 30 years ago, no one had heard of the phenomenon. Today, 70 percent of all children have a bright purple aura. Scientists expect the figure to increase to 90 percent in the near future. Some say the birth of Indigo children isn’t an accident, suggesting that new civilizations have always been born at history’s most catastrophic moments.


  There are some facts from Komsomolskaya Pravda’s Archive. Nine-year-old Mike Smith in Germany showed an interesting trick. He took a glass pill bottle, placed it on a table and telepathically extracted the medicine.








  Nadezhda Kipryanovich gave birth to a phenomenal baby in the Volgograd region. When Boris was only 8 month old, he spoke in full sentences. He already                           

read large newspaper print at 1.5. At three he began talking about the Universe. He not only knew the planets in our solar system and their satellites, but also the names of star systems. Scientists studied the phenomenon, but weren’t able to find explanation.



  While making a presentation in New York, 10-year-old Mariya Yudovich gave every audience member a rosebud, and then made them bloom with one movement of her hand.



  A young Mexican girl Osvaldo Rios is able to describe photographs by touch while blindfolded. She can name the people in the photographs, as well as their addresses and the numbers of their driver’s licenses and insurances.



  Dr. Vladimir Kireev, a psychiatrist at a Hospital in Tallin, Estonia thinks that the enthusiasm shown by researchers lauding the Indigo phenomenon is disturbing. They’re dividing children into two groups- a select race and a lesser sort.



  Oleg Gubin, a psychiatrist, an employee of the Health Plus Medical Center supposes that children who are very gifted in a single field often suffer from mental or psychological disorders. “This isn’t evidence of a new race. What we’re seeing is the result of mass informational saturation, a changing ecology, genetically modified foods and other factors.”



  Robert Todd Carroll, the head of the Philosophy Department at Sacramento College in California, U.S., the author of the «Encyclopedia of Misconceptions» thinks that the principle idea of the book “Indigo Children”, on which the film is based, is that children suffering from ADD and hyperactivity are aliens from the cosmos. Of course this is absurd. Robert Todd Carroll thinks that these children just require a bit of extra attention.”



  Yury Fomin, the Head Expert of the Ecological of the Unknown Association, an engineer, an automated Management Specialist thinks that the discovery of extrasensory abilities in more and more children means the Indigo phenomenon is spreading.





                             Can Auras Be Analyzed?


    Professor Konstantin Korotkov is one of Russia’s pioneers in the field of aura scientific research. Today he works at the Saint Petersburg Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics. Korotkov has devised a machine that measures peoples’ auras and provides feedback on the individuals’ health and state of mine. He describes how his instrument works. They collect information from physical fields                                                                                                                                       

surrounding the fingers. When an electromagnetic impulse hits somebody’s finger, his/her body releases a flood of photons and electrons. Korotkov’s optical system monitors these reactions. Later scientists analyze the results on the computer. Within 10 – 15 minutes they have a complete dossier on the individual – psyche, body and the condition of his/her organs. This instrument is already being used at the First Medical Institute, Military and Medical Academy, Sports Institute and many other organizations in both Russian and abroad.   



  As a summary, here are ten attributes that best describe this new kind of child, the Indigo Child.


·        They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)

·        They have a feeling of “deserving to be here”, and are surprised when others don’t share that.

·        Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents “who they are”.

·        They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

·        They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.

·        They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don’t require creative thought.

·        They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like “ system busters” (nonconforming to any system).

·        They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.

·        They will not respond to “guilt” discipline (“Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did”).

·        They are not shy in letting you know what they need.







  What  other extraordinary abilities might humans have? This list of extraordinary human abilities was inspired The Top Tips to Improve Your Memory when I began

thinking about how some people are blessed with the ability to recall a scene as if they were looking at a photograph. And how other people can recreate music from memory, such as Mozart’s famed reproduction of Gregorio Allegri’s Miserere after one hearing. I’ve listed some of the most well  understood and interesting abilities rated from most common to most interesting and rare. Bear in mind that most of these unusual abilities are genetic and cannot be controlled by the person affected but are an inherent quality of their physical self.




                                Mental Calculators


   The most extraordinary group of people adept at performing complex mental calculations is those who are also autistic savants. While there are many trained people who can work out multiplications of large numbers (among other calculations) in their head extremely fast – mostly mathematicians, writers, and linguists – the untrained ability of autistic savants is the most interesting. The majority of these people are born with savant syndrome (only an estimated 50% of people with savantism are also autistic), which is still poorly understood, few develop it later in life, usually due to a head injury.



    Тhеrе аrе lеss thаn 100 rесоgnised рrоdigious sаvants in thе wоrld аnd оf the savants with аutism who are capable оf using mental саlсulаtiоn tесhniques thеrе аrе еven less. Recent rеsеаrсh hаs suggested thаt а blооd flоw tо thе раrt оf thе brаin rеsponsible fоr mаthеmаtiсаl cаlсulаtiоns оf siх tо sеven timеs thе nоrmаl rаtе is оnе оf thе fаctors that enables mental  саlсulаtors tо wоrk оut mаth much faster than the average person.  

   Examples of people with extraordinary calculation skills include Daniel McCartney, Salo Finkelstein, and Alexander Aitken. Daniel Tammet is one of few who are also autistic savants.















                                  Еidеtic memory


   Whеn а реrson has рhotographic memory or total recall this is called eidetic memory. It is the ability to recall sounds, images, or objects from one’s  memory with extreme accuracy. Examples of eidetic memory include the effort of Akira Haraguchi who recited from memory the first 100,000 decimal places of pi and the drawings of Stephen Wiltshire (who is also an autistic savant). Kim Peek, the inspiration for the autistic (Peek is not actually autistic though) character of Raymond Babbit in the movie Rainman, also possesses eidetic memory – among other things he can recall some 12,000 books from memory.


   Whether true photographic memory exists in adults is still a controversial issue, but it is accepted that eidetic abilities are distributed evenly between men and women. One also cannot become an eidetiker through practice.




                                   Immortal cells


   There is only one known case of a person having immortal cells (cells that can divide indefinitely outside of the human body, defying the Hayflick limit) and that is of a woman named Henrietta Lacks. In 1951, 31 year old Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cervical cancer, which she died from within the year. Unknown to


her and her family (i.e. without informed consent) a surgeon took a tissue sample from her tumor that was passed on to a Dr. George Gey. A scientist for the John Hopkins University Tissue Culture Laboratory, Gey propagated Jack’s tissue sample into an immortal cell line – cell line. The cells from Lacks’ tumour have an active version of the telomerase enzyme (telomerase is the mechanism by which cells age or are aged) and proliferate abnormally fast. On the day of Henrietta Lacks’ death, Dr. Gey announced to the world that a new age in medical research had begun – one that might provide a cure for cancer.

Today, the HeLa cells are so common in laboratories that they contaminate many other cell cultures and have rendered some biological studies invalid through their presence. There are also more HeLa cells alive today than when Henrietta Lacks was alive – they outweigh her physical mass by many times. Tragically, Lacks was never told of the immensely valuable contribution her cells made to science and her family was not informed until many years later that her cells were being used for research purposes (a 1990 court ruling later verified Lacks’ hospital as the owner of her discarded tissue and cells).












                    Differences in mental abilities.


   People value their thinking skills and woe betide anyone who tries to measure them. Both the measurer and the yardstick are liable to be sacrificed on the altar of public ridicule. The professionalisation of this expert bashing may be seen in one of the bestselling books about measuring IQ (intelligence quotient) –Stephen Jay Gould’s The Mismeasure of Man. Never mind that it leaves the reader uninformed about the successes of research on differences in human intelligence or that it has been deemed misleading by the cognoscenti, it satisfies our desire to tar and feather experts who dare to measure what we value about ourselves and wish to remain mysterious and complex.



  To study differences in mental abilities is to share the predicament of meteorologists. These scientists deal with an aspect of our everyday lives about which most of us feel free to speak with authority unlike, for example, atomic theory or plate tectonics. Meteorologists must simultaneously develop constructs and give practical predictions, which affect our lives. Their measurement tools and the mathematical framework behind them are formidable. They are playing a stochastic game, getting it more right than wrong over the entire season. However, we want them and IQ testers to be right than wrong every time or for every person: deterministic rather than stochastic.



Summary points


* Differences in mental abilities have a hierarchical structure, from narrow specific        abilities to general ability

* Environmental and genetic contributions to these differences are sizeable, the genetic contribution possibly increasing with age

* Differences may change or remain stable during the adult lifespan, stability being especially high for verbal abilities

* Differences in mental ability have some modest predictive validity for real life outcomes

* Cognitive and biological bases of differences in mental ability are being explored but are not yet understood










                                     Absolute pitch.


   People with absolute pitch are capable of identifying and reproduce a tone without needing a known reference. It is not simply a better ability to hear but the ability to mentally class sounds into remembered categories. Examples of this include identifying the pitch of everyday noises (e.g. horns, sirens, and engines), being able to sing a named note without hearing a reference, naming the tones of a chord, or naming the key signature of a song. Doing any of these is a cognitive act – it requires one to remember the frequency of each tone, be able to label it, and sufficient exposure to the range of sound within each label. Opinions vary as to whether absolute pitch is genetic or a learned ability that is strongly influenced to one/s exposure to music at crucial developmental stages – much like how a child’s ability to  identify colors by their frequency depends on the type and level of their exposure to it.


  Estimates of the portion of the population having absolute pitch range from 3% of the general population in the US and Europe to  8% of those (from the same areas) who are semi – professional or professional musicians. In music conservatories in Japan however, about 70% of musicians have absolute pitch. Part of the reason for this significantly larger percentage may be because absolute pitch is more common among people who grew up in a tonal (Mandarin, Cantonese, and Vietnamese) or pitch accent (Japanese) language environment. Absolute pitch is also more common in those who are blind from birth, have William’s Syndrome, or have an autism spectrum disorder.





  Echolocation is how bats fly around in dark forests – they emit a sound, wait for the echo to return, and use that sound of the echo in each ear plus the return time to work out where an object is and how far away. Surprisingly (well, maybe not on this list!), humans are also capable of using echolocations. Use of echolocation is probably restricted to blind people because it takes a long time to master and heightened sensitivity to reflected sound.


  To navigate via echolocation a person actively creates a noise (e.g. tapping a cane or clicking the tongue) and determines from the echoes where objects are located around them. People skilled at this can often tell where an object is, what size it is, and its density. Because humans cannot make or hear the higher pitched





frequencies that bats and dolphins use they can only picture objects that are comparatively larger than those ‘seen’ by echolocating animals.


  People with the ability to echolocate include  James Holman, Daniel Kish, and Ben Underwood. Perhaps the most remarkable and well-documented of cases is the story of Ben Underwood, who lost both his eyes to retinal cancer at the age of three.  


   More and more scientists believe that mankind is standing on the threshold of change. We made a small leap in the 20th Century, increasing our average lifespan and working age. People with unusual abilities may lead mankind in a new direction in the 21st Century as technology shift into the forefront replacing biology.

   Maybe people with unusual gifts will change our lives for the better.
































1.    Differences in mental abilities.

2.    Indigo children.

3.    Scientists’ opinion about unique children.

4.    Can auras be analyzed?

5.    Extraordinary human abilities:

a)    mental calculators;

b)   eidetic memory;

c)    immortal cells;

d)   absolute pitch;

e)    echolocation.






























1.    Carroll JB. Reflections on Stephen Jay Could`s The Mismeasure of Man. Intelligence.1995; 21:121-134.

2.    Carroll J.B. Human cognitive abilities. Cambridge,1993

3.     British Medical Journal, December19, 1998

4.    Schaie KW.Intellectual development in adulthood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 1996.

5.     www.yandex.ru, listverse.com

6.    Deary IJ, Caryl PG. Neuroscience and human intelligence differences. 1997

7.    «Komsomolskaya Pravda»,Svetlana Kusina,01.05.2008































1.Познавательный аспект.

Знакомство с научными исследованиями в области интеллектуальных способностей человека.

2. Учебный аспект.

Формирование умений и навыков говорения по теме с использованием материалов из периодической печати, Интернета, новейших печатных изданий.

3. Развивающий аспект.

Развитие способности устной речи, обобщение фактов и формулирование выводов из прочитанного и сказанного.

4.Воспитательный аспект.

Формирование толерантного отношения к людям, отличающимся в восприятии мира, в поведении; подвести ученика к осознанию того, что все - разные. Способствовать воспитанию в нём уважительного отношения к тем, кто по – иному воспринимает  окружающий мир, действует и мыслит.






















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Краткое описание документа:

     Данный материал знакомит с научными исследованиями в области интеллектуальных способностей человека,формирует умения и навыки говорения по теме с использованием материалов из периодической печати, Интернета, новейших печатных изданий;развивает способности устной речи, учит обобщать факты и делать выводы из прочитанного и сказанного;формирует толерантное отношения к людям, отличающимся в восприятии мира, в поведении; подводит ученика к осознанию того, что все - разные; способствует воспитанию в нём уважительного отношения к тем, кто по – иному воспринимает  окружающий мир, действует и мыслит.



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