Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыУчастие в методической неделе с Интегрированным с историей уроком по теме "Олимпийские игры вчера, сегодня и завтра", посвященный Олимпийским играм Сочи 2014. Совместно с Макаренковой Н. В.

Участие в методической неделе с Интегрированным с историей уроком по теме "Олимпийские игры вчера, сегодня и завтра", посвященный Олимпийским играм Сочи 2014. Совместно с Макаренковой Н. В.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The History of the Olympic Games

    1 слайд

    The History of the Olympic Games

  • began in ancient Greece took place every fourth year for several hundred year...

    2 слайд

    began in ancient Greece took place every fourth year for several hundred years. The earliest record of the Olympic Games goes back to776 BC.
    The Original Greek Games

  • The Original OlympicsThe only event was a foot race of about 183 meters. They...

    3 слайд

    The Original Olympics
    The only event was a foot race of about 183 meters. They also included competitions in music, oratory and theatre performances.

  • The 18-th OlympicsIncluded wrestling and pentathlon, later Games – chariot ra...

    4 слайд

    The 18-th Olympics
    Included wrestling and pentathlon, later Games – chariot races and other sports.

  • In 394 A.D. the games were ended by the Roman emperor Theodosius.

    5 слайд

    In 394 A.D. the games were ended by the Roman emperor Theodosius.

  • Pierre de CoubertinBrought the Olympic Games back to life in 1896.

    6 слайд

    Pierre de Coubertin

    Brought the Olympic Games back to life in 1896.

  • Pierre de Coubertin"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to w...

    7 слайд

    Pierre de Coubertin
    "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.

  • Winter Olympics were included in 1924.

    8 слайд

    Winter Olympics were included in 1924.

  • Физминутка

    9 слайд


  • The latest Winter Olympic GamesWere held in Vancouver in 2010.

    10 слайд

    The latest Winter Olympic Games
    Were held in Vancouver in 2010.

  • The next Summer Olympic GamesWere held in London in 2012.

    11 слайд

    The next Summer Olympic Games
    Were held in London in 2012.

  • 12 слайд


    13 слайд


  • We would like to welcome you to Olympic London and the UK for an unforgettabl...

    14 слайд

    We would like to welcome you to Olympic London and the UK for an unforgettable experience.

  • 1527th July – 9th September 2012

    15 слайд

    27th July – 9th September 2012

  • The last Winter Olympic GamesWere held in Sochi, Russia in 2014.

    16 слайд

    The last Winter Olympic Games
    Were held in Sochi, Russia in 2014.

  • Olympic mascots: the Polar bear, the Hare,           the Leopard.

    17 слайд

    Olympic mascots: the Polar bear, the Hare, the Leopard.

  • The Symbols.

    18 слайд

    The Symbols.

  • Look at the picture and put the verbs in brackets into the present progressiv...

    19 слайд

    Look at the picture and put the verbs in brackets into the present progressive:
    This is a photo of me and my friend. We 1)_____(take part) in our school competition . We 2)_____(ski) very well.
    It is cold and the wind 3)____(blow). It 4)_____ (snow). We like skiing.

  • 20 слайд

  • Who is this man?

    21 слайд

    Who is this man?

  • What are the Olympic symbols?

    22 слайд

    What are the Olympic symbols?

  • What ceremony is?

    23 слайд

    What ceremony is?

  •  What is the Olympic motto?

    24 слайд

    What is the Olympic motto?

  •  What is the Olympic creed?

    25 слайд

    What is the Olympic creed?

  •  What are the Olympic Sports?

    26 слайд

    What are the Olympic Sports?

  • 27 слайд

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Краткое описание документа:

«Ancient Olympia and Olympic Games».

Цели  урока:
- образовательный аспект – развитие общих и специальных умений;
- развивающий аспект – развитие навыков оперирования лексическими единицами для реализации коммуникативных задач;
- воспитательный аспект – воспитание положительного отношения к спорту.

Задачи урока:
 - развитие навыков чтения;
- совершенствование грамматических навыков;
- развитие лексических навыков;
- развитие навыков устной монологической речи по данной теме.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал, учебники, словари, тетради, доска.

Ход урока:
Good afternoon dear children. How are you today? Are all fine? What date is it today? What day of the week is it? What season is it? Spring is a beautiful season when the nature wakes up and the life is wonderful. Every living thing wants to live. But people are weak nowadays and they must do sport to be strong and healthy. It is very important today, that’s why we’ll pay attantion to healthy way of life.
Children, try to guess what does it mean
What is the theme of our lesson?
Yes, you are right.
1. Who designed the Olympic flag?
2. How many rings does the flag have?
3. What colour are the rings?
4. What do they represent?

Фонетическая разминка:
(аудирование лексики по теме «спорт»)
Речевая разядка. Сопровождается показом презентации.

Now let’s have a small talk. I would like you to recollect what you know about the history of the Olympic Games. You will watch the presentation on the topic “The History of the Olympic Games” (Слайд 1). Answer my questions, please.

Учитель задает вопросы и сопровождает ответы показом слайдов:

Слайд 2.

1). Where did the Olympic Games begin? – In Ancient Greece.

2). How often did the Games take place in ancient times? – Every fourth year.
Слайд 3.

1). What sports events did the Original Olympics include? – They included a foot race of about 183 meters.

2). Did the original Olympic Games consist only of sports competitions? – No, they didn’t. They also included competitions in music, oratory and theatre performances.

Слайд 4.

1). What sports events did the 18-th Olympics include? – They included wrestling, pentathlon, later games – chariot races and other sports.

Слайд 5.

1). When were the ancient Olympics officially ended? – In 394 AD.

Слайд 6.

1). Whose idea was it to bring Olympic Games back to life? – It was the idea of Pierrre de Coubertin, a young French nobleman.

2). In what city were the first modern Olympic Games held? – In Athens, Greece.

Слайд 7, 8.

1). When were Winter Olympics included? – They were included in 1924.

2). When are the Winter Olympic Games held? – Two years after the Summer Games.
Ознакомление со значением колец.
Fine, look at the blackboard, please.

T: Here you can see the symbol of the winter Olympic Games. Who can name its?

T: Who can name the emblem of the Olympic Games?

P: The emblem of the Olympic Games is Olympic Flag.

T: Remind the flag, please. One ring for one continent. Name the rings and the continents, please.

P1: Blue ring is for Europe, red ring is for America, yellow ring is for Asia, black ring is for Africa, green one is for Australia.

T: So, boys and girls! Do you know what the motto of Olympic Games is?

P 1: "Swifter, Higher, Stronger"

T: Who can name the winter sports?

There are a lot of them: hockey, skating, skiing.
biathlon (биатлон); 2) bobsleighing (бобслей); 3) downhill skiing (горнолыжныйспорт); 4) curling (керлинг); 5)cross - country skiing (лыжныегонки): 7) ski jumping (прыжкиналыжахстрамплина); 8) snowboarding (сноубординг); 9) skeleton (скелетон); 10) skate (скоростнойбегнаконьках); 12) figure skating (фигурноекатание); 13) freestyle (фристайл); 14) hockey (хоккей); 15) short - track speed skating (шорт - трекконьки).
Как же всё начиналось? Как зарождались олимпийские игры?
Обратимся к истории (учитель истории Надежда Владимировна объяснит)
Где были олимпийские игры?
The first Olympic Games – Athens Greece
 The second Olympic Games – Paris France
The third Olympic Games – St Louse America     
The fourth Olympic Games  –  London   UK
The fifth Olympic Games – Stockholm   Denmark
The seventh Olympics – Antwerp   Belgium
The eighth Olympics – Paris France again
The ninth Olympics – Amsterdam    Netherlands
The tenth Olympics – Los Angeles America
The eleventh – Berlin Germany
The twenty-second – Moscow Russia
The twenty – fourth – Sochi Russia again

С чего начиналось открытие игр?
Opening ceremonie -  The lightning of Olympic fire
Olympic Motto
Citius, Altius, Fortius“
"Swifter, Higher,      Stronger"
Мнение Кобертина.
Pierre de Coubertin
"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Работа в группах с текстами по теме «спорт», «олимпийские игры»
Описание картинки.
Материал рекомендован для развития навыков письменной речи и тренировке использования временной формы Present Progressive.

Look at the picture and put the verbs in brackets into the present progressive:

This is a photo of me and my friend. We 1)_____(take part) in our school competition . We 2)_____(ski) very well.
It is cold and the wind  3)____(blow). It  4)_____ (snow).  We like skiing.

Написание открытки
Данный вид работы (написания открытки) помогает развить навыки письменной речи, используя лексику по данной теме.
You got a postcard from your pen friend who lives in England. He is very glad that Winter Olympics 2014 will be held in Sochi. Write a postcard to him and answer his questions.
Вы получили открытку от вашего друга, который живёт в Англии. Он очень рад, что Олимпийские игры 2014 пройдут в Сочи. Он рассказывает о том, как  смотрел соревнования по лыжному виду спорта и просит друга рассказать ему о лыжном курорте на Красной Поляне в Сочи.
Dear friend,
I live in England. Yesterday I watched skiing competition on TV. I like skiing very much. In England there isn’t much snow in winter.
I know Winter Olympic Games 2014 will be held in Sochi. Is there much snow in Krasnaya Polyana? Is there many people skiing there? Do you like skiing? What is your favourite sport?
Write me soon.
Your friend,
Мини проект:
Imagine that the next Olympic games wll be in Scottland. Please invent the simbols of these games.
Рефлексия (закрепление пройденного материала)
1. Who is this man?
2. What are the Olympic symbols?
3. Explain, please, the use of colors.
4. What ceremony is?
5. What is the Olympic motto?
6.What is the Olympic creed?
7.What are the Olympic Sports?
Подведение итогов, оценки и Д/З.
write a composition “My Favourite kind of

Олимпийские игры в Древней Греции.
Учитель: Мы отправляемся в путешествие…. В древнюю Грецию…9 век  до н.э.
Появление Олимпийских игр относится к 9 в.до н.э. В те времена тяжелые войны разорили греческие государства. Идит- царь Элиды- греческого  небольшого государства , на территории  которого находится город Олимпия ,отправляется в Дельфы, посоветоваться с оракулом  . как можно уберечь свой народ от войны и грабежа.
Что же посоветовал Дельфийский оракул Идиту вы узнаете, прочитав надпись на слайде.
«онжуН, ыботч ыт лавонсо ыргИ,еындогу магоб!»
- Идит утверждает атлетические игры,которые проходят каждые 4 года в Олимпии, с этим соглашается и царь соседней Спарты- Ликург, признавая Элиду нейтральным государством, подписывая с Идитом договор. Было это в 884 году до н.э.( тетрадь)
Задание4 :   «Атлетические игры» от слова « атлет». Атлетами называли участников состязаний ,людей крепкого телосложения.
Город Олимпия находился в западной части п-ова Пелопоннес( карта) в долине реки ..Алфей. Олимпия не обычный горд .не похожий на любой другой. Только во время Игр Олимпия принадлежала людям, в обычное же время это город, посвященный богам. Здесь жили только священники и хранители сокровищ.
Задание 5: Почему главным сооружением был храм Зевса?( олимпийские игры были посвящены Зевсу)
776 г до н .э- праздник стал общегреческим!!!
 Давайте отправимся в Олимпию!!! 5 дней!!!
1 группа : Рассказ 1 день
2 группа; рассказ 2-4 дни
3 группа- 5 день.

Hello! I‘m Andrew. I‘m eleven. I‘m from Sochi. It‘s a town in Russia.
Our town is on the Black Sea coast.
I‘m in the fifth form. I like studying but most of all I like PE lessons. We
have three PE lessons a week. At the lessons we run, jump, play football or
basketball, do different exercises or take part in competition. Our lessons are
not boring. As for me I play for the school volleyball team.
In summer we like to swim and dive in our warm sea.
I think all children must do sports because it helps us to be strong and

Answer the questions:
1. Where is Andrew from?
2. How old is he?
3. How many Physical Education lessons has he a week?
4. Does he like sport?
5. Does he go in for sport after school?
6. What kind of sport does he like?
7. What does he think about sport?
8. Does he like to swim in the sea?

I. Read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct form of
1. The first Olympic Games (be) ______ in Greece in 776 BC.
2. The sportsmen (come) _______ from different parts of Greece.
3. The modern Olympic Games (begin)________ in 1896.
4. The last Winter Olympic Games (be) ________ in Canada in 2010.
5. The future Olympic Games (be) _______ in Sochi in 2014.
6. We hope our sportsmen (be) _______ the winners in 2014.
7. Now we (build) ________ a big ice stadium in Adler.
8. Every year a lot of people (come)________ to ski in Krasnaya Polyana
9. We (be) ____ glad to see how many people do winter sports in
the bus leave from this bus stop?
it doesn‘t. You should better go to the bus station. It‘s not far from here.
you show me the way, please?
certainly. It‘s very easy. Go along this street till the first corner and then
turn left. The bus station will be just in front of you.
you very much.
are welcome. Good bye.
Task: read and act the dialogues, then make up dialogues about the way to
the different places in the town.

Текст о городе Сочи и его достопримечательностях расширяет
лексический запас учащихся и помогает им составить свой рассказ о
любимом месте города и его окрестностях, с целью рекламы нашего
города для гостей курорта.

I live in Sochi. Our town is situated on the Black Sea coast. High mountains
defend our town from the cold north winds. So the climate is warm and we have no
cold frosty winters here. Our town is very beautiful and attractive for people. Every
year a lot of tourists come in Sochi to have a rest, to swim in the warm sea and visit
interesting places.
Park Riviera is in the centre of the town. It was founded more than one
hundred years ago. It‘s a large park with different plants and flowers. There are
some interesting places in the park. For example, the Glade of Friendship, where
you can see trees which were planted by famous people visiting our town.
In the park you can visit the summer theatre, different attractions for children,
Aquarium with fish from all over the world, the alley of Russian writers and a lot
of cafes where you can try meals of Caucasian people.
Our railway station and sea port are very beautiful and the theatre looks like a
We have a big concert hall near the sea port where you can listen to pop
singers or concerts of classical music.
So every person who comes to our town can find activities for his taste and we
―Welcome to Sochi, the town of Winter Olympic Games 2014‖.

Task 1 : read the text and answer the questions.
1. Where is Sochi situated?
2. Why is the climate warm in our town?
3. What park is in the centre of the town?
4. What can you see and visit in the park?
5. When will the future Winter Olympic Games be in Sochi?

Sport in Britain.
Task: read the text and say what sports are popular in our town.
Many of the world‘s famous sports began in England: football, cricket, lawn
tennis and rugby, boat racing and table tennis.
Football or soccer is really popular and some of the English teams are
known all over the world Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool Rugby was
invented in Rugby school in Warwickshire. It is similar to football but is played with
the oval ball and the players can carry the ball and tackle each other.
Netball is the largest female team sport in England.
Table tennis (ping- pong) was invented in England in 1880.
Badminton takes its name from the Duke of Beaufort‘s country home,
Badminton House, where the sport was first played in the 19th century.
Boat racing also originates here from the 19th century when the students of
the two oldest universities, Oxford and Cambridge, decided to hold a competition.
Cricket is England‘s national sport. Nobody in the world play this game,
only the real English people. The game is difficult and dangerous. One more popular
activity in Britain is hiking. They just go out and spend their time walking throughout
the countryside.

1. What English football teams do you know?
2. Is rugby similar to football?
3. Do men play netball?
4. Is ping-pong a game or a race?
5. Is cricket a national England‘s sport?

А вы знаете, что в 2012 г. в Лондоне состоятся летние Олимпийские игры?
1. Do you know how many rings are in Olympic symbol?
2. What colour are these rings?


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Особенности подготовки к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС СОО

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